
Friday, December 30, 2011

See Ya Next Year!!!

Happy Friday everyone!!
I thought I would squeeze in one last post before the New Year. I probably should be blow drying my hair and getting ready since I need to be out the door in an hour, but it can air dry right? I’m eating my breakfast also, see I’m just muti-tasking. hehe Anywho, I just wanted to wish you all a very happy and safe New Year.  I don’t know if this year has flown by as fast for you as it has for me, but WHEW! This has been the best year of my life by far. There have been so many special memories made in 2011. Since I’m so reluctant to say goodbye to 2011, I was trying to come up with some kind of blog recap of 2011 that I could do.  I think what I decided on is, at the end of every month, blog about my favorite memory of that month, of 2011. If that makes sense. That way, I’m still holding on to my favorite parts of 2011. : ) I can’t wait to see what God has in store for us in 2012!!!

Well shucks, I need to get going. I have to wake Jake up, which is like the hardest job ever!!! Again, I wish you all a very very happy and safe New Years! I will share all about my lovely weekend with you all on Monday of course.  Plus, I will talk resolutions and all that good stuff. ; )

NYE 2007 (I was with Jake, just don’t have a pic with him)
NYE 08
NYE 09

Have a lovely New Years!!
I can’t wait to kiss my husband at midnight! ; )

1 comment:

Rae said...

Happy New Year! Love you, Cin!
(can u believe my word verification was "defudgy"?) hahaha!