
Monday, December 5, 2011

Girls Just Wanna Have Fun!

I’mmmmmm Baaaaaaaacck!
 I hope you all didn’t miss me too much while I was away. ; ) For those of you who don’t know, I just got back from Chicago for one of my good friends bachelorette party. The trip was a blast and the bachelorette had the biggest smile on her face the entire time. = ) I don’t know how anyone could not of had a good time with all of the delicious food, great shopping, beautiful sights, wonderful company, everything was just lovely.  I was so excited that I finally got to go dancing! I have really had dance fever lately. I have to give credit to the brides sister for doing such an amazing job putting the whole thing together. There is certainly no better time to go to the windy city than Christmas time!! Chicago was definitely twinkling. Streets, restaurants, even bars were covered in lights. Real garland hung in front of stores and you can’t forget the crazy Christmas shoppers scrambling all over!  It was absolutely gorgeous. I don’t know how anyone could not help but smile and be in the Christmas spirit, walking around that place. The weekend was a complete success!  I’ll post some of my phone pics, but sorry folks no more details here. ;) Congrats Brian & Jane! I can’t for the wedding on NYE!!!

Love her, so happy for them!

 Now back to reality. I must say I am very proud of my husband. Over the weekend he got a lot accomplished with the house. The garage was organized,  the light bulbs were changed and the place looked exactly like how I  had left it…oh and our dog was still alive!! It’s always nice to come home to such a wonderful man and the most adorable puppy in the world. I’m a lucky girl. He told me that the house was so quiet while I was away…..weeeeirrrdd! LOL I’m sure he loved it, but I know he would eventually miss my crazy butt…right?

I almost forgot to add that I resisted the temptation of sweets the whole weekend!! I even turned down some delicious looking cupcakes and cookies! I don’t know how I did it, but I’m pretty proud of myself. Only 19 days to go!

Christmas Pic of the Day!
My Christmas mug

Isn’t he cute?! Have a lovely Monday!!!!


Rae said...

Sounds like you had a great time! When we stopped by- your house looked great! Very festive! And Lilly kept loving on me- she sure missed you, too!Great pics- and love the mug! Hope to hang out with you tomorrow!

Cindy said...

Thanks Rae! I’m going to be so sad when I have to take it all down ; (