
Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Run, Run Rudolf

If you know me and Jake, you know we are usually here and there and everywhere, all the time. I think we have spent two whole weekends in Marion since we moved here in June. So this weekend wasn’t any different than usual. Well, actually it was, but I will get to that. We did have a great weekend, it’s always nice when we get to spend time with our families and make new memories, which is what we did this past weekend.
Friday night wasn’t anything too crazy, we actually ended up staying in Marion. Jakes parents, Rae & Eldon, came down from Mt. Vernon around 5:00 to hang out with us crazy kids. We all went to dinner then we headed to the office so Jake could do some dental work on his dad. Rae, played the role of Jake’s assistant. As for me… I did this…

Yes, I made popcorn and watched the show.  

Here are the real workers...

Rae did a great job. She only sucked up Eldon’s cheek a couple times!!

For being stuck in a dental office for hours, I think we all had a pretty good time, even Eldon. I love watching Jake work, he is so amazing at what he does, he just blows me away sometimes. So, yeah, that is what us Frazier’s do on our Friday nights!

Saturday morning,
 wasn’t going to good for me.  We had a Christmas party in Mt. Vernon at 5:00 which I was really excited about, I just had a lot to do before then. So, I got up and started to make the veggie pizza that I was planning on bringing to the party. Well, I burnt it. I’m blaming it on my oven, Jake is blaming it on me. So.. maybe the oven is brand new, but I swear I put it in for less time than the directions said to…whatever, oh well. So I had to go to the store to buy some more ingredients because I wasn’t giving up. Second veggie pizza turned out alight, yay. So then I was going to make these adorable cookies, but the dough just wouldn’t turn out right. I made two batches and they still were not baking right….STUPID OVEN!!  I was getting pretty frustrated at this point so I just threw it all in the trash and decided to give up. I was just not having a good day in the kitchen. At this point my kitchen is a complete disaster, I still need a shower, I had nothing packed for the weekend..Ahh I hate when I don’t have it all together. So now it’s around 11:00 and Jake decides he wants to go to the dealership….okay, whatever lets go…
3 Hours Later…
we came home with this
Merry Christmas to us.

Well, my day just got a lot better. All the stress I had suddenly went bye bye.  I could have cared less that I left the kitchen a mess, poisoned the family with my cooking (just kidding) or had no idea what items I threw in my suitcase. We got to Mt. Vernon in plenty of time. We visited with Jake’s parents for a little bit then went to the Crawford Christmas party and had an amazing night with family. Thank you Luck & Amira, for opening up your beautiful home to us and hosting such an amazing Christmas party! We had such good time. We ate a lot & laughed a lot, two of my favorite things to do.  We also had a white elephant gift exchange and even played some Pictionary! 
Boys vs. Girls
Girls won!
Okay….not really, boys won

Sunday morning, we wake up at the Frazier house at 5:00 in the morning! LOL. Jake said he couldn’t sleep because he was too cold. So he decides to wake his parents up so we can all go out for breakfast.  It’s now 5:30 in the morning and we are all eating at the Hitch in Post. That’s right folks, we are not normal. We leave Mt. Vernon around 8:00 and head to Fairview Heights. Jake needed to get fitted for his tux for the Klein wedding and we had a couple more errands to run. We finally made it to my parents house for a day full of cookies and fun! We have this tradition, that every year around Christmas, we get together with my dads sister and her family and bake tons and tons of French cookies. I’m going to write a whole separate blog about this later on because it really is a neat tradition. Last but not least we head to the McCallas house for dinner and a movie. We had a great time, it’s always nice to see our friends when we get the chance, we really miss EVERYONE so much!!! Now, it’s 9:00 at night and time to head back to Marion. Jake and I are completely wiped out and pass out the minute we step in the door. There really is nothing better than a weekend full of family, friends and laughter, but I think we are staying home this weekend and making ginger bread houses. Sounds good to me!!

Christmas Pic of the Day!
I can’t believe he proposed to me almost two years ago!!

I get to go wedding dress shopping with my SIL today, So excited!

Hope you all have a lovely day as well, thanks for listening to me ramble about my life!!!


sisterlinda said...

Sounds like the perfect weekend even without the perfect veggie pizza and cookies! You already got it girl that nothing ever has to turn out perfect. you can leave the kitchen in a mess, the house not so perfect and when you step in the door the world has NOT ended! You just live life, smile, have fun and laugh....that's what it's all about and FAMILY!

The car is beautiful and love the Christmas pic of the day!

Cindy said...

Awww thanks Linda!!! That is a really positive and sweet comment ; )

Anonymous said...

...stupid oven.

Rae said...

Love the car! Loved the veggie pizza! And loved running like Rudolph with you gals yesterday! Thanks for being there for Erin and hope you will hang around when the decorating and planning starts! Love u!