
Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Shopping, Superman & Sweets!

Hello loves!

Sorry, I was away yesterday. I had a lot going on, weird I know. Jake and I have had a lot of car problems lately so we are thinking that it’s about time for a new vehicle. We are looking into the future and thinking we need an SUV.  There is no way, I could haul around kiddos in the car I have now, NOT that I will be hauling around kiddies right away. ; ) So anyway, we test drove a couple yesterday and we think we have it nailed down to about two. Hopefully, we will be purchasing one before it gets really nasty outside. So that’s exciting!

I also got the opportunity to hang out with my lovely MIL and her lovely sister yesterday. We had a nice lunch and then did some Christmas shopping. We bough a little for ourselves & a little for others. I bought the cutest little gift tags, so that made me happy. I really get excited about the most random stuff. We had fun though, I always enjoy spending time with my in-laws. God put some amazing people in my life and I am really thankful for that. Thanks for the wonderful company yesterday ladies, oh and driving my butt around. ; )

So… on with my lovely day. When I got back I had some house work to finish up & then it was time to head to the grocery store. I needed to go really bad and there is no way I was going to go today, but I could write a whole blog about why you should stay away from Kroger on Wednesdays.  Let’s just say it’s senior citizen day and as my MIL would say “it feels like zombies took over the whole store”. haha She is so funny, but she’s right, it’s horrible. So never again, will I make that mistake!

I picked Jake up from work then we went home and watched the season finale of Smallville. Something we have looked forward to yet dreaded at the same time.  I have decided that it is my most favorite show of all time. I LOVE the McCalla’s for getting us to take home their first season. I  had no idea what I was missing out on, so thanks again guys!! We are a Superman family now, for sure! I know, could we get any dorkier?! Yeah, probably. Warning: For those of you who do not want to know anything about the last season, don’t continue reading this paragraph, thanks.  I don’t want to get my head bit off because I accidentally ruined something for someone. Now the rambling begins…So I can’t believe it’s really over. Of course it had an amazing ending that gave you the chills, but I’m really saddened over this. Lois and Clark are the all time cutest T.V. couple ever made. Now, I’m talking about the Lois & Clark played in Smallville specifically. They really could not have done a better job at casting them, everyone for that matter. For for those of you who have started watching Smallville and stopped because the first episodes looked ridiculously cheesy, I don’t blame you. I almost quit after the first 3 episodes, but you have to keep in mind that they started this show TEN years ago! It gets better, I PROMISE! The first 5 seasons are almost a  completely different show than the last 5 seasons, but the whole storyline is just amazing. For those of you who didn’t stick through it I’m afraid you missed out, sorry. Now of course these are all just my silly opinions, so just go with it.  Anyway, last nights episode was Super! Lois and Clark got married and I balled like a baby, LOSER! For, those girls who think Edward and Bella are cute, they have nothing on Lois and Clark and they rn’t as cheesy! I need to stop now though, I could probably go on and on about this show, please don’t laugh at me…okay go ahead, whatever. ; ) No, but for real, don’t make fun of me when I have a baby boy and he has a Superman room one day. ; )

Last, but not least, I baked something new last night! I made Funfetti Fudge! If you like funfetti cake & fudge this is for you. My MIL sent me a link to this super cute looking fudge, so I couldn’t pass it up. I guess I can’t really call it baking, considering I just threw some ingredients in a bowl and microwaved them, but hey I made something edible…I think. I did not try it because I’m not eating sweets.. remember! I’m still going strong! I forgot to make Jake try one before he left so I guess I will just have to trust myself with this one.  I hope the ladies at his work will not hate them so much that they will never try my goodies ever again! Then what would I do?! lol  Like most things, I just wanted to make it because I thought it looked adorable, so hopefully it taste as good as it looks..and smells.  Of course, I had way too much fun taking pics of these pretty little things….

Well, I’m sorry this blog was just a bunch of me rambling about my life. I guess most of them will probably be like that, sorry. LOL. Hopefully, I will come up with some interesting topics this week that won’t bore you to death, but probably not. I better get going, I still have a list of things to get done today, Christmas is such a busy time of the year, but fun time!  I won’t leave you without my Christmas pic of the day, enjoy!

Christmas Pic of the Day!
Lilly opening her gift, X-mas 10
She couldn’t wait to get that thing opened!

Let it snow, Let it snow, Let is snow…ALREADY!
Have a lovely hump day everyone!!


Rae said...

Don't ever apologize for what you write! You are not boring us- you are sharing your heart...had a great time yesterday also. Can I expect a grandson with "Clark" or "Superman" as the middle name? lol Send some fudge my way- looks beautifully delicious!!!!

Cindy said...

Awww ; ) Thanks Rae. I’m not opposed to the name Clark ; ) I will have to make some more fudge soon!

sisterlinda said...

I enjoy reading your blog and even your rambling...LOL! Sounds like you have been a very busy young wifey!

The funfetti fudge looks yummy...did ya get a little carried away with the sprinkles on top? LOL

Hope you get an SUV soon...especially before the snow flies. I always thought Jake had a sharp looking and nice Jeep back when we all borrowed it to go to Florida in 2005. I know you guys will buy something dependable, especially for the future little Fraziers!

Thanks for sharing your day and the pictures.

Cindy said...

hahaha Thanks Linda! I did get a little carried away with the sprinkles! I wanted them to look pretty in the pictures. LOL

I loved Jake’s old Jeep, but he says he will never buy another Jeep ever again. He had a lot of problems with it and I don’t think they are rated that well. They sure are cute though! I’m sure he will pick something dependable out for us. Thanks for your comment!!!

Anonymous said...

Your pictures are amazing!
Have you thought about doing weddings or engagements?

Cindy said...

Thank you!! I do , do weddings and engagements! I haven't done that many yet, but I have some lined up for next year! So excited!