
Monday, December 19, 2011

No Scrooges here!!

Happy Monday!!!

Only six more days until Christmas!! I can’t believe it, I’m so so so excited!! : O I am going to be a baking fool this week. I mentioned in a previous post, that I volunteered to make the Christmas cookies for my Aunt Karen this year. I’m taking on a big job, but a fun one! I’m actually really excited about doing this, I just hope they all turn out good. No, they can’t be just good, they need to be amazing. I’m making about 13 different kinds of cookies, so the baking needs to start now. Just call me Bakerella this week! I think today I’m going to practice a few of the recipes. I can always give some away to Jake’s office if I have too many.

Jake and I had such a lovely relaxing weekend together. This was the first weekend at home where we could do whatever we wanted. We haven’t even been able to have any friends come visit us yet, so we invited the Smith’s to come over on Saturday night. It was so nice of them to drive down for the night and visit us. We had such a good time seeing them and catching up. I have to share with you guys, this adorable Christmas tree ornament Rachel made us!
She is so sweet! They also brought me some cupcake wine since I’m not eating sweets!! That is so sweet. I do have a confession to make… I totally lost that bet with myself about 2 weeks ago at the Crawford Christmas party. It was those darn chocolate covered pretzels that looked amazing!! They were amazing too, but I’m not giving up. I just need to hide the Cocoa Chex-mix from myself, that stuff is soooooo good!. hehe Anyway, thanks again for coming to see us you guys, you are the best and we love you!!!

Sunday was the perfect day. We both got to wake up whenever we wanted, which was seven for me and about 10 for Jake. Someone was up ALL night trying to teach himself how to play the guitar.

 LOL We decided to go to Sam’s (yes we have a Sam’s here!) because I needed to start gathering all the ingredients for my baking extravaganza. This is what I have collected so far. I need to go to Wally World today and get the rest.

We ran a couple more errands then we grabbed some lunch before the PLAY! We went to see The Gospel According to Scrooge which was presented by the First Baptist Church of Marion. It was really good! I was very impressed with the whole production from the acting and singing to the costumes and set design. It had a really good message as well.

So we got home and decided we would make dinner together. : ) We made some homemade chicken and dumplings, one of Jake’s mom recipes. Jake was in charge of the chicken and I was in charge of the dumplings. It turned out AMAZING, but I didn’t eat much, because it’s not the healthiest meal. ; ) I know Jakes loves it though, so now he has lots of left-overs for lunch. yay! haha
Don’t mind the Santa jammies or the mess ; )
Love him, so much

Christmas Pic of the Day!
My homemade pre-school ornament 

That was our weekend!! Now it’s Monday and time to get busy. Thanks for letting me share my life with you guys, hope you have a lovely Monday!!! Christmas is almost here!!! Don’t be a Scrooge! ; )


Rae said...

Good Morning, Bakerella!! Love your pics- all of them!
Can you believe you've written 12 posts already! Amazing! Just like those cookies will be!
Hope we can get together sometime this week!

sisterlinda said...

I wish you the best of luck baking, this week, and hope your oven is nice to you! I have always been jealous of those who could make batches and batches of pretty Christmas cookies and yummy too....mine always burnt on the bottoms and were never what ya called pretty.

Sounds like you had a great weekend. It is always nice to get a chance just to relax, with no plans and do whatever comes along.

Thanks for sharing your weekend and the pictures.

NOW...put that apron on and chef hat and get to baking!

Anonymous said...

Really it’s Bakezilla I bet.

Jake said...

I love you babe. Your blog is frickin awesome.
Who wrote that mean comment above? What a jerk.
Anyways, I want a ping pong table, I mean um, I want some chocolate chip cookies. Get in the kitchen and start baking!

Cindy said...

Thank you everyone!! I have been baking my butt off!!! I still have a lot to do! Love you all!!!

and Jake you are just soooooo funny ; )