
Friday, December 9, 2011

Count your blessings, instead of sheep

Last night I had trouble falling asleep. I guess it wasn’t such a good idea to have coffee after 6:00. We did head to bed pretty early though. As I laid there on my back, I was surrounded by the loves of my life. Jake fell asleep on his right side, facing me, with his (heavy) left leg straddling both of mine. Then my adorable puppy, Lilly, fell asleep on top of my chest, right in the nook, between both Jake and I. Her little head was laying right on my left collar bone. I know that could not have been very comfortable for her, but she never moved a muscle. Except when she started dreaming and her little legs would kick back and forth like she was chasing something, so cute. They both weren’t snoring loud, like they usually do, just quiet, sweet little breaths. Lilly’s little nose was making the cutest little squeaky noise every time she breathed in. I just couldn’t help but smile. I wanted to just lay there forever and soak up the moment. I thanked God for blessing me with so many wonderful people and things in my life.  Gosh, I love those two, I’m a lucky girl.

Today is going to be a busy day for me! I need to head to Carbondale for a couple things and then back to the grocery store for the second time this week. I need to pick up some last minute ingredients for a couple things I need to make this weekend. Then we are having dinner with my in-laws! It’s going to be a very very busy, but awesome weekend. Well, that’s all for today! I’ll leave you with a cute little Christmas pic from last year!

Christmas Pic of the Day!
I love my family, us in our ugly X-mas sweaters

I hope you all have a  lovely weekend & don’t forget to count your blessings ; )


Rae said...

So sweet! I, too, was thinking this morning how very blessed I am. See you tonight!

sisterlinda said...

How do you ever fall off to sleep counting all of your blessings? You, Cindy, are very blessed and the blessings are endless!