
Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Fight The Funk

I just don’t know where my motivation went. Now that Christmas is over, I just feel like hiding under the covers and sleeping all day. Maybe it’s because now it’s finally cold and dark and snowy. Sorry snow, but I don’t care that much about you now that Christmas is over.  Christmas just didn’t feel the same this year without it. As we drove to Mount Vernon Christmas morning the sun was shining in my face and I wasn’t too happy about it. Jake said that I’m probably the only person on Earth complaining about sun shining on me.  I wanted it to be dark, cold and gloomy with tons of snow on the ground. Call me crazy, but that is how Christmas day should be.  Or maybe I’m just not that motivated because I’m still in a sugar coma. I feel crappy, I’ll say it. I ate way too many sweets this weekend. I think I will puke if I look at another cookie. I seriously am getting rid of every last sweet in this house.

Heading home for Christmas!

On a more positive note…we did have an amazing Christmas. The Christmas festivities started on Friday night. Jake, me, my mom and sister all went to The Fabulous Fox Theater to see The Beauty and The Beast. It was awesome. It may have been a little pathetic that I remembered all of the words to the songs, but oh well.  I wasn’t really fond of the new songs they added though, but maybe I’m just being stubborn about it. ; ) Anyway, the play was awesome and we all had a great time.  I got to see a couple of my old Applebuddies that night also, so that was fun. = )

Saturday was a day of celebration.

Saturday morning we celebrated the life of Debbie Daniels. It was a sad morning.  Debbie is one of my dearest childhood friend’s mother and was like a mother to me growing up. Although I did not get to spend that much time with her in the past few years, all these wonderful memories of her came back to me during the ceremony. She was truly an amazing woman and what kept me smiling, was knowing that every great thing about her was passed on, through her, to her daughter, Ashley. Ashley was my best friend growing up and she is honestly one of the sweetest, kind and pure of heart person I have ever known.  She always has a smile on her face and I miss her.  It’s a shame we didn’t stay as close through out the end of high school and college, but I will always love her. We celebrated her mother’s life that day and she will be missed very much.

Jake and I headed back to my parents house after the funeral and took little nappypoos,  to make sure we were well rested for a night of celebrating!! First, we start the night off by celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ.  I hope people didn’t forget the true meaning of Christmas and had the opportunity to do so. Every year we attend my aunt Karen’s church’s Christmas eve service. It’s a tradition, as is, walking in late every year. haha It never fails we are always the last people walking in, but at least we always make it. After we blow out the candles to the singing of silent night, we head back to my aunt Karen’s house for some more celebrating!  We had an amazing time with family. We opened presents, played games laughed and ate way too much!

So we played this one game, where you have 20 people and you stand in two lines of ten facing each other. You each hold a little stocking and there are either pieces of a nativity scene in your stocking or candy. One person rolls the dice (my aunt Karen did). You use LRC dice. If the dice land on left you pass to the left if the dice lands on center you pass your stocking to the person across from you etc. So at the end of the game whoever has baby Jesus in their stocking is the winner and wins the most cash. Whoever has Mary & Joseph wins a little less cash and so on… So guess who had baby Jesus…Jakey!!
Dad, Nicky and Jake all won some cash
Mom and I won candy..hehe; )

and…Some of my Cookies!

Josie and I

Sorry, but I had to…

Last but not least.. Crown Shots! Family Tradition

Merry Christmas!!!
Christmas morning we awoke at my parents house. We opened gifts that Santa left the night before ; ) and then ate our Christmas breakfast!


Lilly opening her gift
 She is a ham

Love it

 After breakfast it was time to head to Mount Vernon to celebrate with Jake’s family.  So more eating, playing games, spending time with family and laughing.  I love making new memories every year.
Me with my sister-in-laws!
Jakes gift from his mom LOL
opening presents!
Ticket to Ride! 

Sorry about the combination of crappy phone pics and my DSLR pics.. hahah

I’m so sad it’s over, but it was a great one. Jake and I got to spend our first Christmas and husband and wife together and I loved every minute of it.

Now it’s time to get out of this slump and get some motivation!!!! I’m still not going to take down our Christmas decor for probably another month or so. ; ) It’s just too cute. Now, I guess it’s time to detox and get all of this sugar out of my system and get out of this funk. Ewww

I hope you all had a lovely Christmas.
& Come on Motivation!!


Rae said...

LOVe all the pics! Sorry-but I can't bring myself to throw out the sweets...yet! But Jan. 2, my transformation starts! Had a great Christmas with my new DIL! Love you!

Jake said...

I've been hearing about this transformation for 2 decades. Prove me wrong this year and make it happen. Thanks for a wonderful Christmas. I love you. Love you too cin.

Cindy said...

Love you both, very much!

sisterlinda said...

Thanks for sharing your pictures. Sounds like you had some great Christmas celebrations and new memories!

Cindy said...

Thank you Linda! I hope you guys had a great Christmas! I’m sad we won’t be around to spend NYE with you guys!

Rae said...

Jake- I told Dad last night that this "transformation" might be easier if we had a big goal to reach tropical beach somewhere! lol jk! u too!And Cindy!

Ashley said...

I love you Cindyloohoo. You make me smile =)