
Thursday, December 8, 2011

These are a few of my favorite things..

I thought I would share with you all, my favorite things this season. I am a pretty random person and I get bored with things pretty easily. I’m definitely not one of those people who are afraid of change. I’m always changing up my workout routine, food, beauty products, etc. These are the things I’m loving right now.

1. The Tracy Anderson Method : Mat Workout DVD. 

It all started when Jake was out of town one night and I was up late watching infomercials. This came on T.V. and I got suckered into it. So I ordered it on Amazon right then and there. I have been doing it ever since and I love it! I’m sure I will get bored of it eventually, but for right now it’s my new morning workout. I should be incorporating running into my mornings, but I am such a baby when it comes to running in cold weather. Hopefully, I have been a good girl this year and Santa will bring me a treadmill, but if not, I guess I will have to suck it up because I have been craving some cardio. Every runner needs a break though, so I thought this would be a good time for me. Moving on…..

2. Bubble Baths.
I have really been into bubble baths lately. I’m such a nerd, I know. They are just so relaxing and I figured before I have screaming babies I might as well soak up all the ME time I can get.  I think the reason that I didn’t used to like taking them is because I’m sort of a germaphobe and I didn’t really like the idea of taking baths in a bathtub that was already used. Don’t judge.  So now that we moved into this place and I got my very own new tub, I’m addicted. I bought this bubble bath before our trip because, I guess I was just excited about going, but it really does smell very good. : )

3. Pistachios 
YUMMO! I picked these babies up at the grocery store a while ago and I’M HOOKED. I thought they would start to get old after while, but I still crave them and eat them every day! Great snack, and I’m a  complete snack freak. 

4. Cozy Cardi’s 

Comfortable Cardigans. I’m definitely into the long cozy cardigans this season. You can pretty much wear them with anything and they are super cute as well. Well, I think so anyway. 

5. Fruit & Yogurt Parfaits.
I always try to incorporate blueberries into my  breakfast each morning, so lately this has been my favorite. I use Light & Fit nonfat vanilla yogurt, Organic french vanilla almond granola, strawberries and of course blueberries. So yeah, that’s my new favorite breakfast lately.  Nothing too exciting, I like things plain and simple. I switch it up with oatmeal every once in awhile. HAHA Hopefully, I can come up with something a little more interesting next time. I would love for you guys to share some of your favorite healthy breakfast foods with me! 

5. Plaid for Christmas decor.

My couch, taken with my phone

Not sure why, but I’m digging the whole plaid for Christmas decor this year. The cute plaid though, not the old looking plaid. ; ) It could be because every since we moved here, I have been addicted to Target and that seems to be really popular in the store this season. I bought some cute plaid wrapping paper, toss pillows, blanket, etc. I guess I will have to like it next year also because I’m not going to buy all new stuff! I’m sure I can come up with some new, cute ideas for it next year.

6. Bastille My Heart O.P.I nail polish
Perfect for the holiday season!

7. Long wool socks.

Love them, that is all. So comfy and warm ; )

Christmas Pic of the Day
 Our Mistletoe
Kissy, Kissy

Hope you all are having a lovely day


Rae said...

By your blog, you sound like a thin, healthy, great smelling, comfy, fashionable young gal! Hey- wait a minute! YOU ARE!
Now I'm going to have to write my favorite things on my blog!

Cindy said...

Awww thanks Rae! What a compliment! I would love to see your favorite things!!!

~Kortney~ said...

I also have a recent love for bubble baths. Also love pistachios, snacks in general, and fruit and yogurt parfait. I love long, comfy socks and sweater/cardigan things. So... Now I want to try your nail polish and workout video. I seriously doubt I'll make the leap to plaid Christmas decorations though.

Cindy said...

HAHA, I love ya Kort! See we have the same taste! The workout video is pretty cool, its different and you must try that nail polish, especially for Christmas!! You are too cute!

p.s. I need to get your book back to you! lol