
Thursday, December 1, 2011

Die Sweet Tooth Die

Happy December!!
Yes, it’s December, the most popular time for baking and eating horrible for you yet amazingly, tasty  treats! The time of year where my sweet tooth gets the best of me. So I have decided to take on a personal challenge, one of the hardest for me. I tried this once before and succeeded so I am not going to go into this with false hope. Last year Jake bet me $100 that I would not be able to go an entire month without sweets and well, lets just say I was $100 richer by the end of the month. Except it wasn’t the month of December. I have decided to give up sweets, ALL sweets until Christmas Eve. Now come on, you didn’t think I would go through Christmas without eating one single Christmas cookie!!! I know I’m kind of cheating, but I think this will be good for me. Even though I’m not going the entire month, I bet this will be my hardest challenge yet! There are sweets EVERYWHERE this time of year!

So last night was my last sweet supper. I had to bake something on the last day that I could have sweets, so I baked Chocolate Crinkle Cookies. I have never made these before and really the only reason I chose them is because I thought they looked cute. Well, I don’t know if it’s because I used 86% unsweetened chocolate instead of 99%, which is what the recipe called for, but they weren’t that tasty. I only had the 86% in the house and didn’t feel like running to the store. I think some recipes call for unsweetened cocoa power instead of chocolate, but I didn’t have that either. They weren’t horrible, just not as good as the picture lead me to believe. I still boxed them up and shipped them off with Jake this morning. I told him to tell the office not to get too excited. I’ll try them again, but with the right chocolate next time. Here is the recipe if anyone wants to try them for yourselves and if you do, let me know what you thought.

Chocolate Crinkle Cookies

Some of my pics..

Right brand, wrong %
Not as dark as they should be
Packed up and ready to go!

Don’t forget to wash your hands before and during baking! Sorry, pet peeve of mine!

  So here it goes, day 1 without any sweets!  I have made it about 4 hours without sweets so far. I still have a candy dish full of cute red and green M & M’s sitting on the end table, but I bought them for decor so I can’t throw them away! I will just have to see how good my self-control really is with those babies.  I guess Jake will have to eat the rest of the cocoa chex mix. That stuff is so addictive, it’s my favorite holiday snack! So what do you all think..will the cookie monster make it or not? ; )

My new cookie jar, that I guess I will have to put veggies in or something….

I won’t be back until Monday, I’m leaving early tomorrow morning for Chicago. One of my bestest friends is having her bachelorette party and I hear there will be cupcakes! I can do it.  ; ) I’ll blog all about it Monday! Hope you all have a lovely weekend!!!!


Rae said...

If I had to give up sweets- 2 things would happen:
1. The bet would have to be 10 billion dollars!
2. I'd just lay down and die!
Those looked delicious! Lovin your blog!!!

Cindy said...

Thanks MIL!! Glad you like it! ; )

sisterlinda said...

How bad do you REALLY need $100? That would be the question I would ask myself! I know you have a lot of willpower but ya gotta ask..."Would the Cookie Monster give it up for 3 weeks?" I think NOT!

Good luck with the challenge and have fun in The Windy City!

Anonymous said...

cindy dont forget french cookies next sat night or sunday. have fun this weekend call me love mom

Anonymous said...

Your page is awesome. Really like the signs at the top.

Cindy said...

Thanks for the comments guys!!! ; ) and I have a feeling I know who Anonymous is… ; ) lol