
Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Oh What a Night

Happy New Year everyone!
My first post in 2012!

I have so much to share, I don’t know how I’m going to get it all in. First of all, I hope everyone had a great New Years. I can’t believe it has already come and gone. Here is our crazy, awesome weekend in a nutshell..

I already gave you an itinerary of my crazy busy Friday in my last post, but here it is again with a little more detail. I mentioned Jake was flying from Marion to St. Louis. Now, what I did not mention is that he was flying on this death trap, because I did not know. This is the picture he sent me right before his flight. Gulp, I was nervous. 
 Yes, he flew on that tiny, dangerous thing and of course on one of the windiest days.  As I’m eating lunch with the bride and the other bridesmaids,  Jake sends me a text that says the plane is broken and he has to wait for them to fix it. Okay, so that is not what a wife wants to hear right before she is about to eat lunch. So he already has me worried at this point then he jokes that they fixed it with duct tape and he is ready to board. HA HA real funny Jake.  So at this point, they really did get the plane fixed and as he is about to take off  and he sends me another text informing me that this is the same type of plane that Aaliyah died on. Thanks Jake, that is exactly what I wanted to hear as I’m trying to eat my lunch and my stomach is already in knots. He is such a turd. So of course I’m worried about him the whole time I’m trying to relax and get my nails and toes done.  He FINALLY sends me a text to letting me know he landed. Whew! He said it was the scariest flight he has ever been on and that the plane was absolutely out of control. So glad his smelly butt made it safe and sound, now on with our day.
So we check into our hotel (which I’m going to describe in a minute) and got ready for the rehearsal dinner that night.

The rehearsal dinner was at Busch Stadium, home of the 2011 World Series Champs! Woot Woot!
It was beautiful, food was amazing and my favorite part was that they had their picture on the stadium screen. Here are a couple pics from the night.
Christmassy, LOVE IT!
Those were good
Me & the gorgeous bride
 Dr. Klein ; )
 the other Dr. Klein ; )
Bride & Groom.. & Dr. Walde (brides father) HAHA love it
Girls with the groom! ; )

So, after the rehearsal dinner Jake and I went back to our hotel and here is the story about when we checked in earlier that day. Okay, so Jake price-lined us a 4 star hotel for the night hoping we would end up at the Chase since we were already staying there Saturday, but we got the Cheshire inn instead. I was like okay, cool whatever, never heard of it, but I’m sure it’s fine. So we pull in to this...

I started cracking up laughing. I think my exact words were “well, this should be interesting”. There is never a dull moment with us.  So we head inside our lovely inn and were both really impressed. I believe Jake called it a hidden gem, he is so dang cute.  We come to find out that this place is pretty famous and has a really neat story behind it. It’s decorated like a traditional British inn and Lodge and was still decorated for Christmas! It was just lovely!! We noticed that it had a restaurant inside called Fox and Hounds Tavern, which we remembered hearing our friends, Rachel & Mike, mention before, but we never put 2 & 2 together. The tavern was decorated like an old hunting lodge and was dark and cozy. We decided to eat there when we got back Friday night because we were not ready for bed just yet and wanted to get the whole Cheshire inn experience. They had two men playing music inside and the fire place lit. It was pretty romantic. ; ) So even though we weren’t that hungry we had a few drinks and an appetizer. They also gave us some free Chex-mix! Woohoo, which we decided to use as checker pieces since our table had a checker board painted on it….that was my brilliant idea of course. Then our server started giggling at us and asked if we wanted some checkers.  We were like “no thanks, this is fine” and laughed.  He replied with "cool, I like that, very creative" and smiled at us and walked away. We are such dorks!! Anyway, it was a very lovely night with the husband, can’t wait to go back again! Here are a couple pics, I have more on FB. 

Our room (They were named after famous poets, I believe)
 The restaurant 
 Our checkers game
 The cozy fire
 x-mas tree ; )
 Breakfast Mmm
Obviously I thought this was cute

 Last, but certainly not least, WEDDING DAY! & NYE of course. It was such a lovely day. Everything was just perfect and beautiful, of course. We had such an amazing time and are so happy we could be part of their special day. Congrats Dr. & Mrs. Klein. They really are a wonderful couple and the the best friends we could ask for.  We love you guys so much!!!! I can’t wait for our children’s wedding on NYE 2035. ;) 

I only have a couple pics on my phone so I stole some off FB, sorry people. I’ll have to add more from Jake’s phone when he gets home ; )
Dr. & Mrs. Klein!
us ; )
HAPPY NEW YEAR! we are in there somewhere..
bad photo of our NY kiss ; )
I think they had a good time
 The bride and I played piano for the empty room after the reception…LOL
 This is what happened when we got back to the room… The bottle of Champagne did not get open and we both fell asleep in our clothes.. LOL
Oh and that money is for the pizza I ordered and then fell asleep…WHOOPS! I felt really bad

So yeah, that was our New Years. So excited for 2012. I can’t wait to see what God has in store for us this year. I have a feeling it will be a good one ; )


Rae said...

Wow! Sounds like a lovely start to a new year! LOVE the photos- and you all looked awesome!
NYE here was a little mild but maybe it's for the
Praying for a fantastic new year with lots of great memories!!!!

stitchsmith said...

Oh man, you should have seen the rooms before they renovated. Super 70s, totally themed. Much better now! Glad you had such a great start to's gonna be an interesting year!!

sisterlinda said...

Whewwwwww.....I read this yesterday but was so exhausted (after ready all of it) that I had to go to bed, then get up and comment this morning! LOL

Sounds like you had another wonderful New Years to store in that memory bank of yours. I sure hope you have a big bank cause it is gonna need LOTS of room! Maybe the size of Fort Knox?

You looked beautiful, as always, and you are always having fun. There are so many more smiles in store for you this year and I can't wait for you to share them with us readers!

Thanks for sharing your thoughts and as always, your great photos!

Happy New Year!