
Thursday, December 29, 2011

No time to be lazy

Motivation is coming back to me, I think…or maybe its just because it had to. There were just things that had to be done. I had to go to the grocery store because there was absolutely nothing in the fridge and I had to drive to Mount Vernon yesterday to pick up my dress for this weekend. Good news, we can eat now and my dress looks great! Plus I got to eat lunch with my MIL, which is always a pleasure. Even though I checked a couple things off my list there is still more that needs to be done…but isn’t there always.  So here are my goals for today 1. Clean the entire house. lol 2. work out (I did work out yesterday, see the motivation is slowly coming back to me) 3. Pack and have everything ready for this weekend. Okay, so that doesn’t seem like a lot, but if you know me cleaning the entire house means every nook and cranny needs scrubbed and of course packing will be a challenge because it’s a big weekend and I CANNOT forget anything. So basically all of these things MUST be done by tonight.

And this is my day tomorrow..
 First, I’m dropping Jake off at work. Then I’m heading to Fairview to pick up his Tux for the wedding Saturday. (which he should have done already, but I won’t go there) Jane if you are reading this, you can kill Jake for me, he says he couldn’t help it lol. After that, I’m dropping the kid of at my parents for the weekend (Lilly, of course) Then I’m heading to Clayton to meet Jane and the other bridesmaids for lunch and a trip to the Spa (YAY!). Then I’m picking Jake up at the airport, yes the airport. Marion does have a small airport, who would have known. So Jake is taking a half day and flying from Marion to St. Louis. So then, after I pick him up we are going straight to the rehearsal at Saint Francis Xavier College Church and then to Bush Stadium for the dinner. It’s going to be a busy, but awesome time. Then of course, we have an amazing wedding on NYE for our nearest & dearest friends. It’s going to be sooo much fun, I can’t wait. EEEKKK That is me squealing with excitement. 

So last night, after Jake got off work, we drove to Carbondale to exchange some things and then we decided to eat at Chili’s. Jake dips his chip in guacamole and bites down hard on a piece of PORCELAIN!! Ouch. I guess it broke off of, one of the other little white bowls that they put their salsa and gauc in. He was not happy. He said he was going to take an x-ray of his tooth, today at work and make sure it’s not cracked. The Chili’s manager asked if he needed to fill out an accident form, but Jake was like "nah, were not going to do anything, don’t worry”.  Anyway, we got some new guacamole and all was well. I just thought it was kind of ironic that a dentist was the one who almost cracks his tooth on a piece of porcelain from eating guacamole at a restaurant. Bwhaha, not that it’s funny… = )
Here it is...
Poor guy ; (

Well, the dog is hungry and I need to throw the sheets in the wash, but before I go... here are some old birthday pics, I stubbled on this morning. ; ) I just didn’t think this post had enough pics...

Blowing out the candles on my 25th B-day
I wonder what I wished for? ;)

Yes, I’m wearing a ribbon.
Jake made me wear that the entire time we were out for dinner ; ) haha

Hope everyone gets to have a lazy.. I mean lovely day today ; )


sisterlinda said...

You make me dizzy and crazy just hearing about what all you have to do! All in all it sounds like you have a great weekend in store for you and Jake's first New Years Eve as husband and wife.

I, for one, knew that your lack of motivation wouldn't last are one of the most motivated and on the go persons I know. I only wish I had a 1/4 of your energy!

I am sure by the time you read this comment ALL of the chores will be marked fact, I bet you even found some time to relax and cuddle up with Jake and Lily.

Well, enjoy your weekend and be sure to let us all see some pictures next week.

Happy New Year Jake and Cindy Frazier!

Cindy said...

Hey linda, I heard that you had a poopy New Years.. ; ( I hope you are feeling better by now! Next year we will all have to celebrate together!! Maybe even with some hot damn! Thanks for the comment. You are always so sweet ; )