
Thursday, December 15, 2011

Check that off the list!

Let me just start off by saying….  only 10 more days until Christmas!!!! How exciting is that?!

I know I haven’t blogged much this week, but I have a good excuse!! My Sister-in-law, Erin, is getting married in May and this weeks mission was to find her a dress. Now that I have a vehicle to drive, I got join in on the fun and help her find that perfect dress. I am happy to say, mission completed! Erin said “YES!" to the dress. After a long day of trying on dresses, we decided to head back to the shop where Erin previously tried dresses on, the day before. You could tell that there was this one dress that was in the back of her mind all day long. I hadn’t seen it yet, so I was so excited  that we were going back so I could see this one dress on her. When she came out with the dress on, she lit up like a Christmas tree. You could tell that she knew, that was her dress. Ahhh...what a good feeling that is. = ) I’m not going to lie, I got a little choked up when I saw her in it. She looked absolutely stunning and the dress is so gorgeous. Erin, I never knew you had such good taste ; ) hahahah JK!! I am so happy for you Erin, I love you and I can’t wait to see you in it again, on your wedding day!!! Next thing on the list, is bridesmaid dresses!! Can’t wait to see what she picks out.

So, no more trips to Mt. Vernon for me this week. I need to stay home and get some things checked off my list. I already finished wrapping all of my presents!! The tree looks so pretty with all the gifts underneath it. For the last week or two I have had wrapping paper, tape, gift tags, bags, bows…you name it, scattered all over the office floor. So when I saw this baby at Target, I couldn’t pass it up.

Isn’t it nifty? Now everything is all organized and I feel a lot better. The only bad thing is, is that it’s pretty flimsy so when I go to store it I will have to make it won’t get smashed. I am proud to say, I am almost done with my Christmas shopping. Usually, I am still trying to pick out things for people on Christmas Eve, but not this year.  Since Jake and I are staying home this week, we were going to finish it all up entirely, which will feel so good!!

So the last couple days, I have been contemplating getting those reindeer decorations for the car. You know, the reindeer antlers you put on the top of your car and the red nose for the front.  Some might think it’s a little white trash, but of course I think they are adorable!! I think I’m just going to wait until next year to get it. I’m kinda of bummed, but I would only get to use them for a little over a week which isn't really worth it. Looks like Jake lucked out. So, I just went with the next best thing and got one of those little air fresheners from Bath & Body works to put in the car. Except, after I bought it I remember how the car already smells like new car and I LOVE that smell. So, I just hung it up on the sun visor for decoration without pulling the little smell tab yet. LOL I know, I’m so screwed up.

Well, I need to go think of something to make for dinner tonight. I hate having to come up with something…especially something that isn’t too unhealthy. I also think I’m going to go for a run today since it’s actually kind of nice out. Wish me luck, with both! ;)

Christmas Pic of the Day!
Hmm.. Something isn't right, is it?

Have a Lovely day!


sisterlinda said...

Yes, you have been a busy girl! I know that Erin is so excited and I am glad you were able to share in that excitement! I cannot wait to see what a lovely bride she will be.

My Christmas shopping is done except for a couple of gift cards and I can pick those up anytime! Today there is cleaning, to be done, since I haven't did much since being sick. I am so looking forward to a nice relaxing weekend!

Finish up that shopping and after Christmas you can pick up that reindeer ornament 1/2 price after the holidays!

Pretty pic of the day....but yes, the wrong date! LOL

Cindy said...

Looks like you are almost ready for X-mas Linda! Glad you are feeling better. Hope you are having a nice relaxing weekend ; )
That’s a good idea about them being cheap after X-mas I will have to do that, but hopefully I won’t forget I have it by next year. LOL
Also…you were right about the picture! hahah They put our proposal date on it.. Whoopsies!!!