
Thursday, December 22, 2011

Goodbye Cindy Healey, Hello Bakerella!

 Say hello to Mrs. Frazier!!! Finally, YAY! It is pretty sad that Cindy Healey no longer exist. Yesterday I drove to Edwardsville so that I could finally get my name changed. For those of you who keep asking why I waited so long…Here are the excuses…I mean reasons. First of all, I was waiting until we got back from France so that way we didn’t need to buy me a new passport, for now anyway. Okay, it’s been over a month since we have been back, so what took so long?! A couple weeks ago we had car problems and since I had to drive to Edwardsville to do it, I had no way to get over there. So now we have a new car and I have no more excuses. So, yesterday I finally made the trip.  It feels so weird to really have to sign my name as Cindy Frazier now, but I love it. What I didn’t love was that I had to make 3 different trips yesterday just to change my name. Then I had to go to the bank and change all of that stuff.. Ugghhh it was not fun. I did get to see my sister and have lunch with her, so that made the  whole trip worth it. ; )

 When I got home, I must have still been feeling productive because I started organizing papers, wedding stuff and all sorts of crap. I did this for 3 hours. It felt so good to get all of that done, however I probably should have been BAKING!!! So that’s what I’m doing ALL day today. I’m ready and in a great mood. I slept in today because the bed and Jake were just so cozy and warm. I also woke up to a really sweet note from Jake, so that put a smile on my face for the rest of the day.  Almost five years together and he still makes me the happiest girl in the world. = ) To make sure my great mood last all day, I will be blaring Christmas tunes the entire time I am baking. I recorded Jessica Simpson’s Christmas special the other night, so I will use that for some great background music. The girl has an amazing voice and have you seen her boobs lately?! Her baby will definitely not go hungry.

I forgot to share this photo in my last blog post and I think it’s funny, so here ya go.

It’s Mike and Jake playing Kinect last weekend. HAHAHAH They are just too cute! ; )

While I’m at it….
HEHEHEH Erin and Rae at Cracker Barrel last week!! Erin looks happy…Rae… not so much! These two are going to KILL me!!! I love you you guys!!! I downloaded this app on my phone called Virtual Snow.  Basically it just shows snow falling on your screen, wherever you point your phone….I think it’s pretty cool. LOL Speaking of Cracker Barrel, I’m obsessed with this place lately. I guess I’m just starting to fit in with everyone else around here. : ) No offense, Southern Illinoisans! ; )  Or it could be that they have a cute little store inside with sweet treats and a fire place!!!

I’m being really random today, sorry about that guys. Well, this bakerella needs to get going. Today I am making : Butter Cookies, Lemon Bars, Peanut Butter Cookies, Chocolate Chunk Cookies, and Peanut Blossms! Tuesday night I was up will 2:00 A.M. making just sugar cookies and Russian Tea Cakes. This is going to be a LONG day!!! Wish me luck! I’m not sure if I will have time to blog tomorrow, but hopefully I will get one more in before CHRISTMAS!!! Ahh it’s SO close!!

Christmas PicS of The Day!
More of my lovely SNOW!!
A Christmas Oldie, but goodie! 
2007 That does not look like Jake! bwahahah
Have a lovely day!!!


Rae said...

It's 1:15 and I've been in town since 7am.Ughh...Can't wait to sample your cookies and spend Christmas with the other "Mrs. Frazier"!

sisterlinda said...

Well, I welcomed Mrs. Frazier back on September 10th....but I guess I can officially say "Welcome Cindy Frazier!" I can't really remember what it was like 34+ years ago, to change my name, but I am sure it was really exciting! You will catch yourself starting to write an H, instead of an F, for a few!

I hope Bakerella is ready to hang up the hat and apron for this holiday season and just relax and watch everyone eat those delicious cookies that you worked so hard to make!

Thanks for sharing the pictures...thanks for the tip on the snow app...I will be driving my kids nuts with it now! LOL

Have a wonderful Christmas, Mrs. Frazier (and Jake) and you both have a wonderful and safe New Year!