
Friday, December 23, 2011


Mission Completed!! Bakerella can now hang up her apron. I am DONE baking for Christmas!!! Although I love to bake, I am so happy I am done with that. I baked hundreds and hundreds of cookies!!  I probably made about 12 different kinds. For those of you who have seen that “Done” Target commercial, that is how I felt when I shut the lid on the last container and packed it away. I have been saying “Done” over and over since then. I even cleaned to kitchen to where it is actually cleaner than it was before I started baking. My mixer even got a bath, poor thing is probably so tired…. ; )

I am not completely done however. I still need to get ready for tonight, finish packing for the weekend, load all of the Christmas cookies and presents into the vehicle, all by 4:30.  Oh and I need to vacuum. It’s always nice to come home from a long weekend to a spotless house. : ) I probably shouldn’t even be writing, but I needed a break. However, the longer I am on here writing the crappier I will look tonight.  ; ) I’m picking Jake up from work then we are heading straight to St. Louis to go see Beauty and The Beast at the Fox. Well, not straight there we are taking a little detour to pick up my mom and sister and dropping Lilly off. I am soooo excited, Beauty and the Beast was my favorite Disney movie as a child…okay it still is. Can’t wait for the show!

So obviously I baked the entire night last night, but while the cookies were in the oven I took some cute pictures of Lilly and our tree…

 I also got an early Christmas present from Jake. A timer for my baking! It sure came in handy last night and today. He set the timer and then wrapped it and put it under the tree last night. I went in the living room for something and heard a ticking noise coming from under the tree. I was like “WTH”?! I asked take if he planned on blowing me up for Christmas…he just laughed. LOL He is so silly, but I love him.

So anyway, I guess I better be going. I probably won’t blog again until Tuesday, so I hope you all have a very merry Christmas!!!!

Christmas Pic of the Day!
Our Tree full of goodies!

Have a LOVELY Christmas!!!


Rae said...

Love you DIL! Are any of those presents mine? lol I want to see pics of the cookies!!

sisterlinda said...

Wasn't it kinda nice to say "DONE!" .....the end to a season of baking? I am sure everyone will enjoy the hard work and hours you put into the cookies.

I love the pictures! Enjoy your Christmas weekend with Jake and family.