
Wednesday, February 8, 2012

My Yogurt Parfait & Weekend Photos

Cin’s Yogurt Parfait

1/2 cup Light & Fit nonfat vanilla yogurt
1/2 cup organic french vanilla almond granola (I use Cascadian Farm brand)
handful of organic blueberries ( Or more! I love my blueberries!)
3-4 organic strawberries
3-4 dashes of cinnamon 

Our weekend in iPhone Pics

Friday night, we met my parents in Staunton to eat at one of our favorite places, Decamp Junction. 

We look very sleepy. haha Also, it was national wear red for heart disease day. ; )

Then Saturday morning we got up super early because Jake had some business to attend to in STL then we met the Kleins for breakfast at IHOP.  Then we headed to Fairview and ate at Shogun with Jake’s sister Erin and her fiancee Jeremy. Do you see a pattern here..all we do is eat out!! Ahhh!  I did get to try some sweet potato sushi though... Sooooo yummy!!!

After lunch, I took some engagement pictures at the City Museum. Not really the best time for that, but hey what can ya do.  After a long day,  I was so ready for a shower and some fun!

We went to Rosalitas for dinner and to celebrate Kent’s b-day! I’ll have to add those pics later because they are on Jake’s phone.

My margarita was TOO good. ; ) Then we headed to Jive & Wail, a neat piano bar on Washington. Since we had a big group with us we did the bottle service, which was nice because we got the whole upstairs to ourselves. The bad thing is I drank too many vodka and cranberries and this is what happened…

LOL Jane took that pic of us and sent it to my phone. I saw it the next morning and it made me giggle.  I woke up with a killer headache, but we had breakfast plans with my parents so we had to get our butts up.  We all went to Crackerbarrel, and even though Jake, me and my sister all were hungover, it was a lot of fun.
My dad had too much fun…he isn’t allowed back there. haha So we headed back to my parents house to hang out and play Xbox Kinect.  Some of us played, most of us slept..
Nicky and Lilly snuggling ; )
Sleepy heads

Once we got out of our comas, we drove to Mt. Vernon and watched the Super Bowl with Jake’s parents and Erin & Jeremy.  I don’t have any pics of that boooo! I was the only one rooting for the Patriots, so that was fun, until they lost. lol

Well, thats our weekend in iPhone pics…I need to come up with a cute way to display this. I’ll start working on that. ; )

Hope you all have a lovely hump day! 

1 comment:

sisterlinda said...

Now that looks yummy! It looks like you could eat it better, in a bowl, then in a glass!

As always I enjoy the pictures. Looks and sounds like you had a wonderful weekend.