
Tuesday, September 11, 2012

He did it!

Before I begin, I’m warning you all now that there might be a little bragging, of my Jake in it.  So if it’s gonna make you sick, I would stop reading right now.  I’m like a proud mama, what can I say? Plus, I write this blog as more of a diary for myself and this is an important life event!

On that note.  He did it!  Jake got accepted to SLU’s Endo residency.  For a lot of people, you’re probably thinking okay, don’t know what that is and it doesn’t sound that cool, but for us it’s a life changer and a dream come true for my husband.

First of all, an Endodontist is someone who specializes in root canals.. yup root canals.. why on Earth would you want to do that? Well, you will have to ask Jake that. ; )

 Jake decided he wanted to specialize in Endodontics when he was in dental school.  I’l have to be honest, when he first told me he wanted to go back to school, I was like ughhghh really?! As if, 9 years of college isn’t already enough? (I could never do it)  But I could see how badly he wanted it and I knew in the long run it would be for the best. He was actually awarded “most likely to go back and specialize” at his award banquette for dental school, but anyways…there I go bragging.. ; )

So,  lets back up to September, 9, 2011. Yes, the day before our wedding.  Jake had his first interview at SLU.  To be honest, he thought he had it.  The interviews went great, he thought, but unfortunately did not make it into the program that year.  3 other Harvard or something like that smarty pants beat him…grrr. and Yes, 3. Only 3 people from all over the country get into the program each year.  But that wasn’t going to stop Jake, so he tried again this year.

And….  On September 8, 2012 He was accepted!!  That morning, around 7:00 he left the house looking all sharp in his suit,  I gave him a hug and kiss goodbye and wished him good luck. After interviewing with other Dr.s from Alton he had his BIG interview at SLU with the head of the Endo program around 10:00.  When he walked in, the Dr. immediately said “This is going to be short, you’re in.” Jake said he didn't know what to say, he felt stupid because all he could say is. “What?” LOL Oh, I wish I was a fly on that wall. Jake had to hide his smile the whole rest of the day.

The whole day went from 8am till 8 at night and Jake found out that morning. Oh, and did he let me know right away?..NOOO....  The little stinker text me at 1:00 and said “tough competition” even though he knew he was already in.  He didn't tell me till he got home because “he wanted to tell me in person”. Uh huh..  Me and my sis were sitting on the couch and he walks in and says “Where is the champagne?” Nicky and I looked at each other like huuuhhhh??  I had just told her that Jake called on the way home and sounded grumpy, so to watch out.  Plus we all thought he wouldn’t find out for a week, that’s how long it took last year. Turns out the little stinker was fooling me, the entire day.  It was a wonderful night. We celebrated with some wonderful friends, and then Jake passed out on the couch. LOL

He couldn’t stop smiling ; )

So anywho, that’s the story of my little Endodontist.  He starts school on July 1st and the program is two years long.  I’m sure it will fly by, I can’t believe how fast this year has. I’m so proud of my husband, he really is the most driven person I have ever met. I can’t wait to cheer you on at your graduation, with our little peanut babe!!! Love you!

I snapped this with my phone that morning.  I don’t think he even knows I did it…. ; O

1 comment:

Rae said...

I was smiling like a proud mama all the way through to the end! Now I'm crying! :)