
Monday, September 17, 2012

Lil Peanut’s Shower

Lil Peanut’s Baby Shower
September 16, 2012

     I had a great time planning my shower. It wasn’t as stressful as I thought it would be, it was actually really fun. At first I was complaining because my younger sister is not quite the planner and I knew she wouldn’t be of much help. I know, how mean of me. Then I realized I'm sort of a control freak and I really would rather do it myself anyway, so it all worked out.  It really wasn’t hard to come up with a theme. : ) I figured the peanuts were very appropriate and worked well, since it was a gender neutral shower.  I’m not really sure where I came up with the colors.. maybe I saw something on Pinterest, but I loved how they turned out.  

Peanut and me!

Dessert Table..My favorite

The adorable circus peanut cupcakes were made by my sweet cuz-in-law, Lyndsey Huff.  Aren’t  they too cute? They were very delicious as well, thanks again Lyndsey!

The Nutter Butter were made by myself, I’m pretty talented, I know.  I bought the Nutter Butters and stuffed them into the packages, hard work. ; )  The cute “Happiness is a Peanut” bags are from Etsy. 

Last, but definitely not least, the delicious strawberry lemonade and orange dreamsicle cake was made by the very talented Alexa Heepke.  She always makes my cakes for me and she always blows me out of the water every time! So cute Alexa, thanks so much!

Pretty Tables...

The Centerpieces were put together by myself with some help from the lovely Rachel Smith.  We spent about 7 hours on 3 of them… I finished the rest two days later. :O Yes, the tissue flowers are pretty stinkin cute but they take time a lot of time, well at least for a newbie they do. 
So, I have a cute story about them actually…Late one night I was sitting in the living room slaving over these tissue flowers ;) and Jake was behind me on the couch watching T.V…. or watching me? I finally called it quits and told him I was so tired I had to go to bed, that I’ll just finish them in the morning.  So I went and laid down in our room and all of a sudden I heard the sound of tissue being folded.  I thought to myself no way, that’s not what I think it is.  Sure enough Jake is putting the rest of my tissue flowers together for me.  He must have been paying attention to how I was doing it, because he did a pretty good job.  Those are the moments that I know I’m a lucky lucky lady. ;) 

 So back to the centerpieces…. I was really hoping nobody had a peanut allergy, which I didnt think of till the peanut dust was flying in my face when I was assembling them. Luckily, nobody had an episode. lol 
The water bottle labels, I ordered off Etsy and were assembled by my lovely sis Nicky Healey.  The circus peanut "thank you" gift bags were made by myself and my lovely sister, again… I know, I can’t believe it either. ; ) J/K Love you Nik. 

Here is the website for the Ducky PunchMy awesome friend Nikki made the fruit baby, which some of you may have seen from Pinterest. That was definitely the hit of the party. I can’t believe how well it turned out! You did an excellent job, thank you so much Nixter!


The “Lil Peanut” banner was all in a days work.  I think it took me longer at Michaels trying to think of the colors and design, than it took me to actually make it.  But for my first banner and just kind of making it up as I went, I think it turned out alright. 

   I really wish I would have taken some better pictures of the tissue poms… Oh and here is a tip if anyone is planning on making them in the future.  Don’t make them way in advance and have them sit in the computer room for weeks.  I thought they would take a really long time to make so I did this. Well, the ones I made way in advance and the ones I made that morning looked A LOT different. haha Even though, they never got messed with they somehow became, well, poopy looking.  Maybe it was the trip there that did it, I don’t know, but unless you are making a TON, I would wait till the last minute. 

Jake and I had so much fun going through everything that night and daydreaming.  It was so cute to actually see Jake excited about everything.  It won’t be long till our daydreaming is a reality!! YAY!!! 

And thanks again to everyone who brought things, helped with decor, set-up, clean up and for everyone who took the time out of your lovely day to shower my lil Pnut. You all are so special to Jake and Myself! Love you! 

And a special thanks to my MIL & sister-in law Erin for throwing me my MTV shower! Love you guys!

1 comment:

Rae said...

Everything looked absolutely beautiful! Very Pinteresting! Lol great job! Anxious to meet our little Pnut!