
Wednesday, September 19, 2012

I miss running

I miss running. I would have to say that running is the number 1 thing I miss about not being pregnant. This time of the year is my favorite time to run, the weather is absolutely perfect for it.  Plus, the Halloween 10k is my favorite race to run and obviously that isn’t happening this year.  This will be the first year I won’t be able to run it since they started it. ; ( I know poor me…. not. I have really enjoyed being pregnant, and I really don’t want to rush it, but I am really looking forward to stretching my legs out again.

 I already signed up for the Go St Louis half marathon in April. I thought it would be good motivation for me to get back into running after the babe is born. I’m not trying to get an amazing time or anything, but I’m really looking forward to running it.  Apparently you're supposed to wait 6 weeks after you give birth to start running again, which should give me plenty of time to train.  So, if Peanut isn’t late that means I should be good to go before Christmas! Merry Christmas to me! Looks like I will be putting my treadmill into good use again.  Oh yeah, and if Santa wants to get me a jogging stroller this year, that would be awesome! ; ) The baby better learn to love the wind in his/her face once Spring gets here. Hmm, I wonder if Pnut will love to run….

Well, thats my random thought for the day…. Hope everyone is enjoying this GORGEOUS weather!!! Me and Lilly are going for a walk. CYA!  ; )

Woohoo! Can’t wait ; )


Rae said...

Who knows? PaPa might run with you! LOL

Cindy said...

He says he wants to… We will see, I hope so!