
Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Bump Check: 8th Month

Bump Check :29 Weeks
August 12 - August 19  , 2012

This week kind of stunk.  I had Salmonella for 5 days.  My amazing husband took such good care of me though and waited on me hand and foot.  We Jake finished the guest bathroom as well. YAY! I’m just thankful, I’m all better now ; ) That was not fun. 

This week our precious little baby is weighing about 2.5 pounds and is a tad over 15 inches long from head to heel. Baby’s muscles and lungs are continuing to mature, and his/her head is growing bigger to make room for  his/her developing brain. He/She has increasing nutritional demands, meaning I'll need to be getting more protein, vitamin c, folic acid and iron. Also, I'll need some more calcium considering that in the third trimester about 250 milligrams of calcium are deposited into the baby's hardening skeleton each day.

How far along: 29 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: −1 from being sick, but gained it back fast so +0 120lbs
Maternity clothes?: Cuz, Lyndsey Huff let me borrow some maternity yoga pants and they are amazing
Strech marks?: Nope, playing the waiting game…eeekk
Sleep: Sleep fine, when I have a lot of room ; )
Best moment this week: Recovering from Salmonella, and finishing the guest bathroom!
Movement: Stronger and Stronger! Daddy & I love to feel & see baby squirming before we go to bed.
Food cravings: Anything ; ) After I was better of course, soup when I was sick
Gender: ????
What I miss:  Being active, playing sports
Milestones: Passed my gestational diabetes test!

Bump Check :30 Weeks
August 19 - August 26  , 2012

Baby is now around 15.7 inches long, and weighs almost 3 pounds. His/her eyesight continues to develop, though it's not very keen; even after baby's born, they will keep their eyes closed for a good part of the day. When he/she does open them,  he’ll/she’ll respond to changes in light but will have 20/400 vision - which means he/she can only make out objects a few inches from his/her face.

How far along: 30 weeks
Total weight gain/loss:  +1 pound this week,  up 15 lbs total
Maternity clothes?: Bought some leggings and a new shirt, getting excited for Fall clothes!
Strech marks?: Nope, score
Sleep: So, so
Best moment this week: My MIL painting our nursery!
Movement: Baby is moving up and now kicking me in the ribs, but it’s okay ; ) Moving more than ever, crazy baby.
Food cravings: Luigi Ice, and cookies
Gender: I still think girl, but who knows!
What I miss: My old clothes. I thought it was hard for me to decide on something to wear BEFORE I was pregnant..HA!
Milestones: I’m in the 30’s weeks! WOW

Bump Check :31 Weeks
August 26 - September 2 , 2012

This week baby is over 16 inches long and weighs around 3.3 pounds. Eek, supposedly he/she is heading for a growth spurt! He/She can turn her head from side to side, and his/her arms, legs and body are beginning to plump out as needed fat accumulates underneath his/her skin. His/her movement is as strong as ever.

How far along: 31 weeks
Total weight gain/loss:  +4 lbs, up 19 lbs total. What the heck happened?!?
Maternity clothes?: More leggings! Can’t wait till FALL! 
Strech marks?: Nope, surprisingly, with this crazy growth spurt!
Sleep: Getting a little more complicated, the bigger this belly gets!
Best moment this week: Jake took me to the Rams game then put me up in a nice hotel, to get me out of the house ; )
Movement: Baby is crazy I tell you! I feel it move around ALL the time. Baby loves to move to music and kick mommy in the ribs.
Food cravings: Who knows, whatever sounds good at that moment
Gender: I still think girl, but who knows!
What I miss: My runners butt
Milestones: Single digit weeks left!!

Bump Check :32 Weeks
September 2- September 9, 2012

Baby is around 3.75 pounds and about 16.5 inches long. From the pound or so I'm gaining a week, our little Pnut is gaining about half of it. In fact baby will gain third to half of his/her birth weight during the next seven weeks as he/she fattens up for survival outside the womb. Baby now has toenails, fingernails, and real hair (or at least respectable peach fuzz).  Baby’s skin is becoming soft and smooth as he/she plumps up in preparation for birth.

How far along: 32 weeks
Total weight gain/loss:  —1 lbs + 18 lbs total
Maternity clothes?: Need jeans, but I’m picky and maternity jeans stink
Strech marks?: Not yet!
Sleep: I can only sleep on my left side or else my body goes’s hard lol
Best moment this week: Celebrating our 1st Anniversary & Jake getting into school!!
Movement: Baby has been head down for a couple weeks now. Peanut has had the hiccups a lot this week and I can feel them in my lower abdomen.  Baby also likes to wiggle it’s butt around and get stuck in my ribs.
Food cravings: Nothing out of the norm
Gender: I still think girl, but who knows!
What I miss: Sweating from a good workout 
Milestones: Completed my 8th Month!!

      My belly is growing fast, real fast.  When strangers ask when I’m due, and I tell them and they tell me I’m small. I don’t feel small. I feel like a turtle with this belly constraining me all the time.  It is pretty entertaining watching me get out of bed or off the couch.  Jake gets a good laugh out of it.  The baby has been moving around more than ever. I know it seems like I say that every week, but it’s true!  It seems like I discover a new sensation all the time. I think my favorite is when I feel a foot (or knee, elbow etc.) swipe across the top, real fast.  It tickles and I can feel it so well.  I can literally move the baby’s foot when it gets stuck in my ribs. Or cup it’s lil butt in the palm of my hand. I had no idea you could feel it so well.  All of this growing and moving around just means that my lil Pnut is a healthy nut, so it makes me a happy mama.  I’m getting more and more anxious everyday.  I don’t want to rush my pregnancy because I know I will miss feeling the baby inside me, but I just can’t wait to hold my lil Pnut for the first time.  Jake even says he is going to miss me being pregnant..hmmm I must be a pretty enjoyable pregnant lady then!  Also, we Jake has  been getting a lot of home improvements done this month! I think that’s his way of nesting. He had to fix the railings on the stairs and build a wall instead so the baby couldn’t crawl through! Those were his words..hehe He is so cute. & I’m trying to get nursery things together + last minute things for my showers that are this weekend! I’m so excited!!!  Oh my gosh, 8 more weeks till we get to meet our baby!     


Rae said...

You look gigantic in the most recent pic! Err...I mean Pnut does! lol Time is going by so fast! See you Saturday! Love ya

sisterlinda said...

I just love reading your blog. I may not comment but I do read them and they are so precious. This will be a great gift to little peanut when he/she is older. You should definitely print these out and make a booklet of your time being pregnant.I also want to say congrats to your wonderful husband on going back to school. Wish I could come to your shower but I am sure it will be fun and the gifts will be great!
You, peanut and Daddy take care and I love you all!

Cindy said...

Thanks Rae… lol

and Thanks Linda! I definitely want to get this printed out one day! I’ll miss you this weekend, but I totally understand! Hope you guys are doing great!

Love yas!