
Friday, January 6, 2012

Turtle Man

 This is going to be a dumb blog post, sorry.  I thought I would write about Turtle Man this morning.  For those of you who don’t know Turtle Man is; he is the star of the Animal Planet’s television show Call of the Wildman.  Turtle Man is Kentucky’s hero.  His job is catching wild animals who are pestering people and harming there property. Turtle Man catches the animals with his bare hands then sets them free in the wild.  His specialty is snapping turtles, hence the name. ; )  Jake and I discovered this show a couple weeks ago.  The first time we tuned in, we couldn’t stop laughing. It’s really Turtle Man that I love watching, not necessarily the show itself.  We both think Turtle Man is the cutest thing ever, even if he doesn’t have any teeth.  He says he tries not to smile because he got his teeth knocked out by a chainsaw. There is something about him that is just so innocent, that you can’t help but smile.  I know it’s just television, but you can really see that Turtle Man is a genuine guy.  He is so modest and just by watching him you can tell he has a zest for life that most people do not have.  I love it. He has only been bit by a snapping turtle 25 times…GO Turtle Man! ; )  He also says that he doesn’t need drugs, alcohol or chewing tobacco; he only needs to catch some turtles. LOL  Next time you are scrolling through your channels and you happen to see that Call of the Wildman is on, please just watch 5 minutes of it. Most of you with probably think it is just plain dumb and it kind of is. For some of you, Turtle Man will touch your heart and have you giggling. LIVE ACTION!! 

On another note, IT’S FRIDAY!! I think Jake and I will have our 2ND nice relaxing weekend at home. I’m really excited.  I think we might go see a show and do a little shopping in Carbondale…which means Dick’s and Best Buy for Jake. lol  I might even keep posting since I’ll be here.
I hope you all have a Lovely weekend!!! 

So, when I don’t have recent pictures of my own, I’m going to post some of our wedding pics because I love them so much. ; ) Here is our first kiss as husband and wife.

I’m going to leave you all with some words of advice from Turtle Man.. “Don’t ever trust a turtle”. 


Rae said...

Wow! I was surprised to see The Turtle Man on such a "lovely" blog!lol But I also can't wait to tune in to the Animal Planet and meet him!
And, as always, the wedding photo made me tear up a little...makes me wish the camera had been clicking away 36 years ago...luv u!Have a great weekend!

sisterlinda said...

Thanks for the intro to Turtle Man. It just goes to show that a person does not have to be beautiful, thin, or a GQ model to be attractive. The way a person carries themselves and their modesty can make them attractive.

I will keep an eye out for that show and tune in for Turtle Man.

Have a great weekend AND don't ever trust a turtle!

Unknown said...

I love show. He cute turtle man he funny.