
Thursday, January 19, 2012

Where in the World is Cynthia Marie Frazier?

Hiddy Ho!
Here I am!

I know, I have been away for awhile, but I needed a little blog break.  It was refreshing stepping away from the wonderful web for a little bit, but I’m back now. There were things on my to-do list that were not going to get checked off if I spent too much time on the net and I’m happy to say I got most of them done. Lilly finally has a vet appointment for some shots and a teeth cleaning and I started on Jakes lovely v-day gift that I’m making for him. ; )

Monday, I went shopping with my MIL & SIL and bought some cookie cutters, pink edible dust etc. for some v-day cookies and I’m dying to make them.  Maybe I’ll bake just a few, for practice…. yes, that sounds like a great idea!

I guess I never got to blog about last weekend, it was nice and busy.  Friday night, Jake took me to a SIU college basketball game because one of his patients told him about it that day. So we went and had a good time. ; )

 I actually like basketball, it’s one of my favorite sports to watch; football is a different story. : O Then he took me to see Beauty & The Beast 3D! He is pretty awesome, even if he did fall asleep at the end. Plus I got popcorn and a hot chocolate! ; )

Saturday, I drove to E-ville for  my friend, Rachel’l baby shower.  It had a camper theme, that was just adorable and check out these cookies!
 Absolutely lovely
Yeah, I have to admit, there is no way I could decorate cookies that well.  They were so yummy too!!
Can’t forget about the adorable mommy- to- be!
I can’t believe I didn’t have a fever that day!! I think I just accepted the fact that, a baby is not going to happen right now. Oh yeah, I almost forgot, I got a almost a foot cut off my hair that morning. ;)


Last Spring, I told myself I’m going to get it cut real short after the New Year. I have never had really short hair and wanted a change, but I wanted to wait until our wedding was over. So I figured after New Years would be a perfect time, a new do for the new year!  So I made an appointment after the New Year like I said I would except I was being a chicken at the last minute and switched my plan to bangs and just a trim. I sat down in the chair and thought, I need to just do it,  no more excuses, it’s after the New Year, I have been saying forever I’m going to do it, so I did it! I don’t miss my long hair yet, but I know I will eventually. Jake loves it, so I guess I will keep it like this for awhile.  I like it too. ; ) I just need to get used to using a lot less shampoo! haha

On Sunday Jakes sister Erin and her fiancee Jeremy visited us, from Mt. Vernon.  We went to a bridal show in Marion and I ate way too many samples of cake! ; )

 Then we all took a little trip to Carbondale for some shopping. They introduced me to the AMAZING place called  Neighborhood Co-op Grocery. 

I really had no idea this place even existed and especially around here.  I guess it makes sense though, with all the farmers around.  I was like a kid in a candy store or should I say, it was like I was in a candy store.  They have a HUGE selection of natural and organic foods.  They also sell items in bulk, which is fantastic.  We bought some vegetable soup in bulk and some pistachios! They also have spices that you can buy in bulk, which is good for me and my new cooking resolution. ;)  Plus, I finally got to try Kale chips!  They….will take some getting used to, but they rn’t horrible. I got two grocery bags full of stuff for $47.00 not too bad. Did you know that the top dozen produce items most contaminated with pesticides are, starting with number 1 :Peaches, apples, bell peppers, celery, nectarines, strawberries, cherries, pears, grapes, spinach, lettuce, and potatoes.  Most of those I usually buy organic anyway, but I thought that was interesting.  Jake is a sweetie and says when I’m pregnant, I’m eating all organic. He loves me, or well, our future baby I should say.  Can’t wait to go back to the co-op!

That was our weekend.  We are still eating out a lot. I know, shame on me, but I’m not the instigator. We have also been renting a lot of old movies.  One of Jakes patients works at Family Video and keeps telling Jake he needs to come in some time. Even though we do Netflix, being the sweet man Jake is, we haaaad to go in there and rent “a couple" movies.  I can’t remember the last time I was in a movie store and I forgot how nice it is to walk down the aisles and skim through all the genres of movies. It reminds me of being a kid again and having slumber parties. I hope my children will get that experience, but who knows my then.  We rented 6 movies, a thing of popcorn and a pack of Twizzlers for only $7! Can’t beat that! ; ) Jake, saw his patient in there and he was really sweet, I’m glad we stopped in.

So, I feel like baking today, I just don’t know what.  I really should make something for dinner, but I have no ideas as of now.  I guess I better go meal plan and wake my two lil sleepy heads up!
Have a lovely day!!


sisterlinda said... I see you have been busy. I almost facebooked ya to see if you were sick or something. I have been checking each day, for something new to read, and nothing! So glad you are back!

I really do like your hair and I am sure it feels weird when you shampoo it. I know when I get mine cut shorter it takes some getting use to.

As always I enjoyed reading your blog and enjoy the pics. Don't stay away too long!

Rae said...

Tried to comment this morning and my internet was acting up! Love all your photos and stories and I'm sure I'd love your cookies, too! Guess I better get started on my VD gift to my hubby...hmmmmmm...Well, maybe after my nap! lol