
Thursday, January 5, 2012


All of the Christmas gifts have been assembled and are ready to be used!! Although I’m not sure if I will be able to use them after breaking my back Tuesday night.

My back hurts.. my arms are sore…and here is the story why…

For Christmas, my sister got Jake Kinect Sports 2 for his xbox.  So Tuesday night we decided instead of sitting in from of the T.V./ computer like zombies all night we would play our new game!! Woohoo! It was fun at the time, the next morning not so much.  Here is some advice if you ever decide you want to play Kinect Sports.  First of all, you must stretch before playing, just like playing real sports, it’s true! Also, I would recommend sticking with the appropriate moves and not creating your own. Yesterday morning I woke up with a sore back. By the end of the night I could barely move. It is Thursday now and my back still hurts PLUS my arms are sore. The first game we played was baseball…I suck at baseball.  Inevitably Jake is kicking my butt, so I whip out some of my own moves.  Throwing those really crazy, insane, but I thought it was funny at the time pitches was NOT a good idea.  Not knowing I had already injured myself, we decide to play a little tennis as well. I was actually winning at this game so of course Jake was “tired” of playing Kinect Sports. LOL J/K Jake!! kind of… No, I think I was the one who was pooped and ready to stop and it’s a good thing I did.  I noticed the pain getting worse when I was on my way to Edwardsville, but I thought my back was just sore from driving. By the end of the night it hurt to laugh and I knew exactly what it was from…Ohhh Kinect Sports, you kicked my butt. Once my back feels better I will have a re-match with Jake and I will win. ;)  I will also take my own advice to prevent injuries. LOL

So my back still hurts pretty bad, but not as bad as last night. I'm really hoping I’m able to play a game of ping-pong with Jake tonight. I feel bad because he put his ping pong table (x-mas gift from his awesome wife) together days ago and we still haven't played a game. I don’t know how many times he asked me if I would play with him if he got one, I think me actually playing with him is his real gift. So, I’m going to try my best, even with a broken back to play a game with him tonight.  I’m not a wimp, I think I can do it. Plus, I didn’t let my back stop me from using my belated, but awesome Christmas present this morning!!!  Yes, I broke in the new tread-mill today.  I went and picked it up at Sports Authority yesterday, yes I drove 4 (total) hours for it, but I also got to spend some time with my Sissy!! Jake put it together for me last night, he is so awesome. Okay, so I know today is a perfect day for running outside, but I had to try out my new toy! I can not describe how incredibly excited I am to have my very own treadmill. I love getting to hop on my treadmill anytime of the day I want and in the privacy of my own home. Instead of sitting on the couch watching T.V. I’m going to make an effort to at least walk on the treadmill.  When I’m done it fold up and rolls away. I love it. You know what is really cool about running in your living room? I can pick my wedgies!! LOL j.k….. ; )
Here are some crappy phone pics of my handsome husband putting together our new toys!
 Yes, he put that thing together in the kitchen.. lol don’t worry it’s in the garage now.
All 3 of my babies!!!

So,  the resolutions have officially begun! Today I’m going to look up healthy recipes and plan all of our dinners for next week. I did make some more of my Smooth Skin Smoothie this morning!! I figured it was probably a good way to get some of my daily greens in. Fruit is easy for me, veggies not so much. 

Well, that’s all I got for today, I think it’s time to go soak my sore back in a hot tub. ; ) For everyone working on their resolutions, stick with it and good luck!!
Have a lovely day!


sisterlinda said...

A sore back is NOT fun! Just be careful when you play kinect again and don't over do it....throw some easy curve balls...LOL!

I haven't been on my treadmill for awhile but as soon as my knees quit aching (after a 10 pound weight loss) I will be up and walking again. I use to enjoy turning the music up loud and walking and walking! I am actually looking forward to it and I have it sitting in front of a large window so I can look outdoors. The wii fit will have to do for now.

It would be a nice evening for a game of ping pong in the have fun!

Cindy said...

Thanks linda! I will have to bring the Kinect over to Raes next time everyone is over there again. I think a family game of baseball would be fun! ahha You and Rae might need some Margaritas before hand, but that’s okay. LOL Good luck with your resolutions, you can do it!!! I’ll let you know who wins in ping if you don’t already know. haha