
Monday, January 30, 2012

A Dogs Life

This morning I looked over at my adorable puppy, as she was spralled all over the chair asleep, and it got me thinking.  It reminded me of how I used to look at her, in that same position, as I worked on school papers or right before I had to leave for a closing shift at the Bees and say, “oh a dog’s life”. Now, I know how Jake feels.  He always tells me I have a dogs life and I guess I do. Hey, I’m not complaining, but it made me feel a little guilty.

I try my best to be a good house wifey for him. I mean, I’m not a lazy slob.  I never sleep in, I probably couldn’t if I tried.  I always try to have the house as clean as possible, cook, pay bills. etc. I love doing these things and I know he loves what he does. I just can’t help but feel bad for him when I’m sitting on the comfy couch, sipping my coffee and snuggling with our pooch and he is getting ready to trek off to work, especially when it’s freezing outside. I know things will change when I have my hands full with a bunch of kiddos. I’m sure Jake will be more than happy to escape from the chaos, but for now I know he is jealous and I would be too.  I get to work when I want, sleep when I want, do whatever, when I want.  He goes to work comes home and doesn’t complain and I’m not sure I could do that.

We are so old-fashioned, haha, but it works for us.  He needs to be the provider and me, the caregiver. There is no way he could sit at home while I went to work. His pride wouldn’t allow it.  He should be a proud man, because he has a lot to be proud of.  I hope he knows how much I appreciate his hard work. I know he appreciates me. I know I’m blessed and I don’t take that for granted.  So today I feel like doing something extra special for him… not sure what yet, but I will think of something!

Sleepy dogs ; )

Jake if you read this, I love you, thanks for everything you do baby! Lilly and me appreciate it ; )


sisterlinda said...

Yes, a dogs life is great to have. My dogs just lay round and sleep all day...we don't have it that lucky! As you, there is cleaning, cooking, bill paying, organizing and an occasional nap. You are very lucky to have a man, like Jake, in your life. I know he appreciates all that you do....believe me, if he didn't he would let you know!

As for the something special to do...I know you will think of something. You said you like baking, reading, coffee and bubble baths...hmmmmmmm.....

Rachel said...

Oh Cindy! This is so funny because I was just thinking about how Zeek and I have the same life right now. Eat, cat-nap, some more. I do with Zeek would pull his weight and learn how to do dishes and sweep. ;) We're very lucky to have fellas who revel in the provider role!

Rae said...

Some dogs have it better than others! LOL
But, seriously- I saw a dog tied up to a tree with a rope the other day...just sitting there, staring up at the sky. I think he was praying... wishing he had a warm house and a big hug and a sweet smelling bath...:(
You and Lilly and Jakey are all lucky dogs!! Love you!

Cindy said...

Maybe I should have titled this blog Lucky dog? hehehe ALL of us are lucky dogs!! ; ) and you all are too funny
; )