
Wednesday, January 4, 2012


Cindy's Resolutions for 2012!
Here they are!

1. Eat right. I’m not planning on cutting carbs or counting my calories. I'm not trying to lose weight, which means, I’m not getting on one of those dreadful diets. In my opinion diets are a way to set yourself for failure anyway, not a lifestyle. I will be watching what I eat. My plan is to cut down on the processed food and eat mostly fresh foods, which will help me to continue a healthy weight anyway.  In the past couple months I have been trying to slowly cut out most of the processed foods, but it’s easier said than done.  We are surrounded by them and it’s really hard to stay away. One lil tip I learned is, when you are going grocery shopping, try to stay away from the inside aisles and try to only shop on the outside of the store. I did this yesterday and it easier than I thought it would be, I just felt like I didn’t come home with much. I will also be limiting sugar and salt intake. For those oh you who know me, you know sugar will be a challenge for me, especially with all my baking, that I do not plan to give up. It’s alright to have a bite every once in a while, that is what I’m telling myself anyway. The salt should be an easy one for me. I never salt any of my foods anyway, but I do want to be aware of how much salt I’m taking in. If I’m eating mostly fresh foods, this really should not be a problem. I’m glad I have no desire to drink soda, that crap is just dreadful.  I am addicted to coffee, so I will try to limit the amount of coffee I drink, to one cup a day. This one might be tricky.

2. Cook more. I don’t cook that often and I really have no excuses.  I’m going to try to cook dinner at least 5 times a week.  The problem for me, is coming up with healthy recipes. I’m going to really try and dig and find some good ones. I’m going to try to plan each week out. I don’t think that will be easy, even  if I’m a planner. It doesn’t help that my husband is a pretty picky eater either, he is just going to have to suck it up. I want him to eat healthy as well and I think he is on board.

3. Improve my race times & run at least 500 miles this year. That is really only an average of just under 10 miles per week. If I train for another half marathon or two, this should be easy. Especially with my new trusty treadmill! The only thing I see going wrong is me getting injured. This happens quite often actually. I wear good shoes, I stretch and I have proper technique…I think anyway. Jake just thinks my body was not made for running, but I’m not giving up.

4. Live a healthy lifestyle. Okay, so this is pretty broad, my major goals for this would be: 7-8 hours of sleep a night, which I already do, but need to continue.  Drink plenty of water, which I usually do as well.  Eat right, already mentioned above. Exercise, cardio + a little strength training.  Floss more, I know I’m married to a dentist and I hate to floss, so my goal is to floss everyday.

5. Improve my photography skills. I plan on spending a lot more time on learning as much as I can about photography. I want to take some more classes and read more books. It’s always fun to learn new things.  This is obviously something I love to do anyway, I just haven’t invested that much time into it lately.  Also booking a pretty decent amount of photo gigs for 2012. This is a true passion of mine and I would really like challenge myself and see what Cindy Frazier can really do. This year I plan to find out.

6. Save money. Sounds simple enough. There are too major things I want to save for…1. A baby, don’t get too excited folks, there will not be a baby Frazier born in 2012, however, it is never too early to start planning for a little one. The other thing I’m saving my pennies for is photography equiptment. I plan on doing some upgrades pretty soon.  Looks like I need to limit my Target trips this year. ; )

7. Be a loving wife. I would like to think that I already am a loving wife, but I want to really put an effort into being the wife that I know Jake deserves. He does so much for me and I really want to show him how much I appreciate and love him.  I’m going to try to be more patient, kind and giving.

8. Attend Church More Often. It’s hard to attend church every Sunday, being 2 hours away and all, but I want to make an effort that when we are in town, which we are a lot, that we make sure we go.  We always have an excuse and that has to stop.  We have a great pastor and I love our church so there is no reason we shouldn’t go. I really hope we can make this one happen.

9. Keep Blogging. My last goal is to stick with Life Made Lovely. It’s something I love to do and I really want to keep at it. I love having somewhere that  I write my life down and document our crazy adventures.  My plan is to eventually put it all in a book. Who knows maybe my children would like to read what crazy things happened in their parents lives before them & while raising them…or maybe not. ;)
Stole this from Aunt Linda! Love it!

Those are my lovely little resolutions! I’m ready for 2012! Are you?


Rae said...

My resolutions are almost identical...except for the running 500 miles part! Whewww! Not gonna happen here! lol But replace that one with "be more creative"- and it looks like we've both got to find some super willpower! Yikes! But good luck!
(My word verification was eggishubi! Weird!hahaha)

sisterlinda said...

Great plans Cindy and being motivated and self controlled I know you can do ALL of the above!

My resolution is the same as always...lose weight. I swear one of these years I will choose something different for a resolution.....wonder what that would be??

Missed not seeing pics on this blog but I know you will have plenty to share throughout the year!

Let's all try and resolve our new resolutions! Best of Luck!