
Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Hunger Games & Hearts

First of all, check out my new banner!! My cousin Roger made it for me!! He is the best, I absolutely love it!! Thanks again Rog!! ; )

So most of you already know that I am now addicted to the book, The Hunger Games.  I had to make a run to Target the other night to buy the 2nd and 3rd books.  Well, now my husband is addicted as well! This is great for me, because now he will be excited to see the movie with me when it comes out.  Honestly I have only read the first couple chapters in the 2nd book so far. So when Jake gets home from work, we are going to sit on the couch, like old people tonight and read.  I’m actually pretty excited about it. : ) I will just have to record my show Revenge! 

So, while I was at the store I picked up some V-Day cupcakes…you know I’m a sucker for them.  Even though it’s not “real” baking, Jakes office loved the Christmas ones I made and come on, they are so darn cute!! So even though it’s not even February yet, I had to make these cuties!

Pretty Lovely right?

So I tried snapping some pictures of my goofy pooch and I playing tug-of-war with her toy skunk.  Let me tell you, it’s not that easy holding a heavy camera with one hand up in the air and trying to get a picture while your dog is tugging at the other arm which was causing my entire body to move. LOL

Love her to death. Her and that smelly skunk.

Hope you all are having a lovely week, Tootles!


Rae said...

Thanks a lot for the cupcake pics...and I was doing so well in the willpower department! They look yummily sweet!
Love the new header! Did you know you can put any type of background on- including personal pics?
PS: If you don't like this comment, you can delete it. I won't defriend you! hahaha

Cindy said...

I never delete comments. Even though you and Linda are the only two that comment… ; ( Don’t stop, you two are my biggest fans and I love hearing what you guys have to say Love you!

Laura large said...

I've been looking for a new book to read. Sounds like I just found it! Thanks!

sisterlinda said...

So glad that you have found a series of books to read. You have got me interested in reading Hunger Games...I'm sure they are a far cry from the Nicholas Sparks sitting around here!

The cupcakes look yummy and I see you took my advice and didn't go crazy with the sprinkles like ya did on the Christmas ones! LOL

Have a nice evening pretending to be old folks and have a lovely week!

Cindy said...

Laura, let me know how you like it!

Linda, I had to go easy on the sprinkles because that is all that was in the package! hahahah I did have a lovely weekend, I hope you did too!