
Monday, January 9, 2012

Coffee Talk

Good Morning!
Not sure if it will still be morning my the time I post this, but oh well!

I hope everyone had an awesome weekend. The Frazier’s actually had a pretty chill-axed weekend. I’m pretty sad to say that my cooking resolution is not doing so good.  The cooking, well it has yet to begun.  You're probably thinking that it’s my fault, but I am more than willing to say that IT’S NOT!  I planned out our meals, I bought the ingredients, and was even ready to cook! However..  I have a feeling that someone must be scared to try my cooking. I mean I have cooked plenty of meals in the past and I don’t think they were bad… Friday night, I was all ready to cook Jake a lovely little dinner, however HE insisted that we go out to eat.  Okay, well he didn’t have to twist my arm, but I'm still blaming it all on him.  We ate out for EVERY dinner this weekend, and even twice on Saturday!! Now, I love eating out, but this has to stop. It’s ruining my resolutions number 1,2 and 6! So tonight, I’m making dinner no matter what.  I will not be tempted with Red Lobster  again Jake Frazier!

 Saturday was pretty nice, we basically just did whatever we felt like doing. We started off the day with a nice drive to Carbondale.  We were on a mission for a new coffee pot.  Here is the story of Cindy’s broken coffeepot....A couple weeks ago, we were almost headed out the door for the weekend, but I had to make sure the coffee pot was turned off.  Well, of course it was, but I noticed it looked kind of dirty and I could not leave a dirty coffeepot sitting there all weekend long.  So of course I had to scrub it clean. Just when I got it squeaky clean I went to grab a towel to dry it off and the little booger slipped right out of my hands and onto the floor.  Now, I had to clean up all of the broken glass off the floor. I was almost in tears, not because of the mess, but because I loved my coffee pot.  I feel bad that Jake has to deal with such a clumsy wife, not only is it probably annoying, but it gets kind of expensive. I searched all over for a replacement carafe, but couldn’t find one anywhere.  I  even tried the Kitchen-aid website and found replacements for every model except mine.  I e-mailed them about one that I thought would probably fit my model, but wasn’t quite sure, but they never responded to my e-mail.  I guess I could have called, but whatever.  I started making coffee in my tea-pot with those instant Starbucks coffees, which isn’t so cheap.  Jake noticed that Macy’s was having their lovely one day sale yesterday, and being such an awesome husband he thought to look for a new coffee pot for me.  He made sure it had a thermal carafe this time, so there was no way I could break it…he is always thinking… ; )  We get to Macy’s to purchase a new coffee pot and they are out of the one we wanted.  So the kind lady at the check out counter tells us can order it for us with free shipping.  Okie Dokie! The one we picked out was originally $170 but was supposed to be  40% off with the sale.  Somehow the lady pulled it up on her computer (she didn’t really seem like she knew what she was doing) for the amazing price of $60! We both looked at each other and smiled, but thought something has to be wrong.  So we checked the model numbers to make sure she was ordering the right one and they matched up. Jake pulled it up again on his phone and even with the sale it still should have been about $110, but we kept our mouths shut and ordered it right away. hehehe We got a heck of a deal, especially considering the replacement carafe cost only $20 bucks less. I can’t wait for it to get here!! I love the feeling of making coffee in the morning. There is just something therapeutic about it. Ahhhhhh I can hear the coffee brewing already.

Enough coffee talk.  So the rest of Saturday was spent eating out, Jake fixing my dads chipped tooth and a night cuddling on the couch.  Sunday wasn’t much different. We drove to Mount Vernon, went to lunch with Jake’s family and then headed back home for some more relaxation.  It was a nice, calm weekend.  Jake even read me a bedtime story last night. That’s a story in itself, so I will just leave it at that.

Another wedding pic...
Watch out! 

Sorry, I haven’t had pictures lately! I promise I will some soon! I also plan to do a little baking later this week, so you know I will have pictures of that!

Have a lovely Monday everyone!!!


Rae said...

My day is starting out slow...maybe I need more coffee! Or coffee talk! Getting ready to do my Wii routine...ugh... Hey- did you forget we were coming tonite? Or are you cooking for all of us? lol

sisterlinda said...

Good Morning! I just finished my 2nd cup of coffee..yum, yum! LOL I have broken a few pots, in my life, and it sucks when ya can't make your morning coffee. I have had my bunn for about 5 years now and I hope it never quits on me...I actually have my eye on a new one when I have an extra $100.

We also had a chill-axed weekend. We never even left the house which is fine by me. We drank a little, ate our weight loss foods and watched a marathon of NCIS and Law and Order...exciting huh?

Well, hope you get your coffee maker soon...nothing like a good 'ol cup of joe with a little creamer! P.S. can't wait to hear about your home cooked meal tonight!

Cindy said...

Sounds like a good weekend Linda! Never anything wrong with staying at home. It’s actually something we look forward to. Hopefully I will have my new maker in a couple days! and as far as my dinner goes…RAE! I forgot! LOL I was going to make fettuccini Alfredo,except a healthy version of it. I’m not really a fan, but I know Jake loves it. I guess I’ll make it while he is working on Eldon. Maybe I’ll deliver it. hahaha Too bad you have to be the assistant, you could help me cook! ; ) Love you guys! I wouldn’t ever have any comments if it wasn’t for you two!

kelly said...

i like coffee

Cindy said...

ohhhhh Kelly…...