
Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Candles, PoPcorn & a Giant Map?

Last night was exactly the kind of night that I want to make sure I write down, to ensure that I will never forget it. It’s not what you’re thinking either, people! It all started with, well a blog post idea actually. All I needed was a giant map, some candles and my trusty baby Canon…..

I wanted to write about one of my biggest passions, traveling.  I always dreamed of traveling all over the world one day, I just never thought those dreams could actually be reality.  I also never imagined that I would have been to the places I have been or seen the things I have seen, especially at this young of age. My husband also has a passion for traveling.  I am so lucky, we not only share the same dreams, but that we get the chance to live out those dreams together.

So for Christmas, I got Jake a World map that tracks our travels. He loved it. So, I told him I wanted to take some photos of the map for my next blog post. What does he do? He goes and gathers random candles that I have laying around the house.  Then he takes the map off the wall, lays it on the office floor and lights the candles.  I’m like, okay…. I guess he has an idea. haha He is so cute, he is definitely the creative one.  It was actually a pretty neat idea and really fun to do!  Here are some of the awesome photos of The Map!

First of all, here is the Map!
Cool, huh?

Let me describe this map a little bit before I go on.  Well, first of all, its a World Map designed to keep track of the places that you have been, the places you plan to go, and even your dream destinations.  For those of you who can’t see the words in the picture above, I will describe what the color of the pins mean. The map comes with a bunch of Red pins, which keep track of the places that you have already traveled to.  We only marked the places that we have been to, together, it’s the travels of the Frazier family after all. The map also comes with 10 green pins.  These pins are for your top 10 dream destinations. What Jake and I did was, we both got to choose 5 dream destinations and pinned them! It was pretty fun to do and harder than I thought. : ) The Blue Flag marks your next planned trip and the Yellow Flag marks your favorite place that you have been so far! Whelp.. on with some more pics!

The Blue Flag Marks our next planned trip to….
 Colorado! Ski Trip on Feb. 10th!
 The Yellow Flag marks our Favorite trip...
Honeymoon in Paris, DUH!!!
 Dream Destinations...
I want to go to Africa SO bad! Probably one of my top 3
The pins below are a combo of Jake and My dream destinations
Ireland, Rome, Greece and…. Moscow? lol That was obviously Jakes
The two below our Mine...
Australia & Figi! Australia is on my top 3
Next two are Jakey’s
Peru & Brazil, Rio De Janeiro
This next one is mine…
Tahiti, Sweetie ; ) 
it’s up there with Australia and Africa, Bora Bora please = )
So there they are! Let the dreaming begin..; )
We like the beach..
The World Travels of The Frazier Family!  
The End!

So that’s the whole map story. You are probably wondering why I started this post off with how last night meant so much to me.  I’m warning you now, that this is extremley cheesy.  So here we go…as I’m laying on the floor, taking pics of the map, Jake was laying on a sleeping bag on the floor playing with Lilly. 
The room was so peaceful; no T.V. on, no computer on, no lights at all, just candlelight and my 3 loves…Jake, Lilly and baby Canon of course.  It is very rare that ALL the electronics are turned off, so I thought that we should take advantage of this moment.  So we made a pallet on the office floor, kept the candles lit and I even popped us some popcorn!

 It was just lovely.  Cue the really cheesy part….it was even raining!!! ; ) I know romantic right?  We just laid there with the candlelight reflecting off the walls and the sound of the heavy rain fall. ;)  I was on cloud 9.  It gets even cheesier… we made hand puppets on the wall and gazed into each others eyes  hahahah I’m just kidding about the gazing in the eyes thing, but the hand puppets is unfortunately true. We are big kids, what can I say?  Or should I say dorks? We fell asleep taking turns naming things that started with the letter “C”…. I think this started by me making a “C” shape on the wall. LOL I guess this is what married people do when you are stuck in a small town?  I loved it though.  It was a night that I never want to forget.  It really was perfect, listening to the rain fall, the candlelight bouncing off the walls, us…. I couldn't stop smiling and still can’t.  It was just one of those nights that reminded me, that I need to enjoy our family of 2 1/2 for now and cherish every moment. A night that I was looking for, as I mentioned in my last post, Baby Feva ; ) Alright, enough of the cheesiness..I’m done. 

I hope you all have a lovely day and enjoy those special moments in your life..maybe even write them down, so you will never forget them. ; )


Rae said...

I've always been a big believer of writing things down....I'm sure Eldon and I have had a similar evening, but things fade with time...It's funny how a person unconsciously picks what they keep inside their memory bank! One of my fondest memories is of him and me sitting on the porch of our first house, sorting out tomato plants his grandpa had given us. It was early morning, the birds were singing, the earth was green with spring and we were happy in love...But I'll leave you today with this quote: "No matter how far away you roam, May you always find your way back Home." Love you!

sisterlinda said...

Thanks for sharing your evening. The map is a great idea and sounds like so much fun. I believe that even if you didn't write this evening down you would always remember it and picture it forever in your mind. There will always be times that we can still picture and still even feel and just experienced one of those.

Cindy said...

Linda, why don’t you have a blog? You can tell you have a writing talent, just by your comments you leave! But I guess if you had a blog you wouldn’t have time to leave me comments and then my blog would be commentless ; ( I appreciate your sweet comments though

and yours too Rae!!! Love you!