
Friday, January 20, 2012

Book Worm, not really

Happy Friday everyone!

I’m in a great mood today and a ball of energy, for some reason.  Maybe it’s because I have been eating better or maybe it’s because I get to see the Kleins tonight!! Yes, the newlyweds will be coming to Marion this evening.  So today, I have been cleaning and dancing around like a fool.  I love slumber parties!!!

I did have a lovely calm & relaxing morning. I  finished reading, The Hunger Games which I started yesterday and couldn’t put it down. Since the book I was currently reading, The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo, fell into the toilet yesterday and was too soaked to read, I decided to start The Hunger Games. I heard it is really good, so I bought it awhile back, but never opened it. I sure am glad my book fell into the toilet after all because I really enjoyed The Hunger Games. I knew I would though, because I like weird sick & twisted stuff like that.  I can’t wait to read the next two and see the movie when it comes out! I’m excited to finish the Girl With the Dragon Tattoo as well.  I was really getting back into it, until PLOP! 

I really haven’t read since our St. Thomas trip in June.  Since we were going to be lounging on the beach for two weeks I figured I would need some good books to read.  I read, Safe Haven by Nicholas Sparks and yes, a Danielle Steel novel called, Big Girl. (Both books were good, but I really enjoyed Safe Haven, I think they need to make a movie out of it).  After I read my first book, Jake wanted to go to this book exchange place that was at our condo and exchange my book for one he could read because he sure wasn’t going to read Nicholas Sparks. ; )  He chose The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo. So while I was reading my second book, he read that and really liked it. So after I finished my book, I started reading TGWDT.  Jake started the second one and even got the third for when he was done.  He warned me that the first couple chapters were hard to get through and he was right.   I got about 200 pages in, just when it was getting good and it was time to go home.  So anywho, I haven’t opened it back up till now because I want to see the movie, but not until I finish the book.  I guess I will start it back up on Monday, I’m sure it will be nice and dry by then. ; ) Oh, and don’t worry there wasn’t pee in the toilet!!

I’ll just imagine I’m back here! ; )

It’s been nice, not being on the internet so much.  I should have made that a NY resolution!…..nah!
See you all Monday!
Have a lovely weekend!!!


Anonymous said...

Yay u can go see the movie with me now! March 23rd!

Rae said...

Can't believe I haven't talked to you all week! Glad you read the Hunger Games! I loved them all! Let's go see the movie together! Hope you're having a great weekend! Love & Hugs!

sisterlinda said...

I love reading but never seem to find time enough to just relax and do it! I have lots of books waiting for the "Some day" to get here!

I loved the picture of you sitting on the beach reading. I cannot wait to go to Cancun and perhaps be doing the same!

Have a good weekend.

Cindy said...

Erin and Rae, we will all have to go together!! I can’t wait!!!

Linda, bring The Hunger Games to Cancun. You are going to have a blast!!