
Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Baby Feva

Lately, I have been suffering from a condition known as “Baby Fever”.  Symptoms: A strong desire to want to birth a baby, uncontrollable giddiness when you see a cute baby,  catching yourself reading about different birth plans, baby names, or even nursery decor.  Yes, I diagnosed myself with Baby Fever about a month ago.  The problem is, that having a baby right now is not OUR plan.  We both agreed on a certain time we would start trying, and there are good reasons why we did so. Jake is also excited for children, he just has better self-control than I do. He is a very responsible man and I love that about him.  His major concern is, that he wants to be back in the St. Louis area and own a house before the baby is born. I totally agree with him, well I thought I did.  That is, before this stupid fever spiked.  The thing is, I really do want to to stick by the plan, I do!  I want to be close to my family when the baby is born & and be able to paint cute designs on the nursery walls, etc.   The problem is, we don’t know when we will be back, but Jake seems to think it will be fairly soon. *Smiles* I try the whole “well you never know how long it’s gonna take” thing, but that still doesn’t work.  I don’t know if it’s because we got married, I have plenty of time on my hands or just the fact that I know I’m ready to be a mother, but something has got to give. I think I really just need to FIGHT the Fever! I need to remind myself of those quiet nights that I love, when it’s just Jake, me and Lilly and remind myself that it  will never be just “us” ever again.  Plus the fact that we are the most spontaneous people and we won’t be able to just jet off to wherever, whenever we want.  Then, when I think these things, I wonder if I’m being selfish.  I don’t think so though, not selfish, maybe even smart? It doesn’t help that our parents are dying for grand-kids.  It never fails, every time we see them we get the third degree. They love to remind us that we are married now, we can afford kids and of course the ol "well we are getting older"….  It’s not like our plan to have children is even that far away, it’s actually probably closer than you think.  I just need to be patient and stay away from those darn baby shows!  Just by writing this post, I’m realizing that maybe this fever isn’t as high as I thought it was.  I need to stick with our plan and enjoy this time with our family of 2 1/2. Whew! I’m feeling better already!!!

So today, I’m going to enjoy the piece and quiet, take a nap, do whatever the heck I want and sit on the couch with my husband and puppy and soak up our time together, just us. ; )


sisterlinda said...

I believe that all married couples, that want kids, go through the baby fever stage. I know that I did and also had the "But Honey, we have no idea how long it may take to get pregnant!" I don't remember how long it actually took me but I remember that as soon as we bought a brand new car, with a car payment, I became pregnant! Not good timing but it didn't matter!

I know that the two of you will be great parents. Stick to your plan...time passes quickly and before you know it you will be decorating that nursery!

Cindy said...

Thanks Linda!! I agree ; )

Rachel said...

I wouldn't say we ever caught the fever.... we just got the baby without any of the lingering symptoms that come beforehand!! :D

Rae said...

Nowadays, parents pack their kids everywhere- through airports and tropical beaches and even the ski slopes!
But, if you treasure a good,uninterpreted nights sleep, you better wait a while...
I don't think I ever really caught the "fever". I just suddenly blew up one day and gave
(My word verification was "canar". Why didn't they go ahead and give me a "y"?)hahaga

Cindy said...

Rachel, you are too funny. I’m hoping the fever doesn’t come back this Saturday!!!

Rae- You know we will be those crazy parents doing that. Kids will not slow us down. However the extra baggage is what I am not looking forward to. lol Actually, my next post is going to be about traveling ; )
And as far as sleep goes, I’m just lucky I won’t have to wake up and go to work. Jake will probably sleep right through it and I am really good and getting woken up abruptly. We should be okay

and why do you always get the weird words? lol