
Sunday, November 4, 2012

Week 2 & 3

2 weeks already?

These first two weeks..what can I say really, except for the best two weeks of my life. I can’t believe you are already 2 weeks old.  Some days I feel like we just brought you home, and others I feel like you have been here forever. But it is true what everyone says, they grow so fast.

You still only fit into newborn clothing, they are actually starting to fit just right. I’m not sure what your weigh at this point, but I know you are gaining and filling out more and more each day.

You had your first bath at 2 weeks and we joke about you looking like a frog. You have these long skinny legs and your belly is starting to protrude out to the sides, it is seriously the cutest thing ever.  Your cheeks and chin are getting a little chunkier as well. ; )

Your hair is getting longer. A lot of people thought you would lose some, but it just keeps getting longer and fuller.  It’s so beautiful.  You now have eyebrows and eyelashes! I’m really hoping you have your daddy’s eyelashes and I think you just might!

Your vision is also improving each day. Instead of just being able to see to my face you are starting to notice lamps and other bright lights.

You are not sleeping as much, but still most of the day.  Instead of waking up every 3-4 hours at a time at night, it’s more like even 2-3, but mommy doesn’t mind ; )

You also started spitting up this week, which had me worried at first, but I know it’s totally normal. Our usual sleeping routine is, you wake up mommy first changes you, feeds you, burps you, changes you again and then rocks you to sleep which can take up to 30-90 minutes at a time, but usually last about an hour.

We got lucky and the weather turned out to be beautiful this weekend, so we got to take you on your first walk with Aunt Nicky and the Huffs! Since it was nice outside,  I had aunt Nicky take some family pictures of us! Plus, we had to get some taken before daddy got his braces put on. ;D

3 weeks!

What can I say, except for the fact that when I think you can’t get any cuter you do! I love watching you become more and more alert. Even though it makes me sad that you are growing and getting older (okay, I know you are only 3 weeks) it’s also pretty amazing to see you change and the new things you can do.  You have recently started falling asleep with your right hand on you cheek, when you are in my arms. It’s adorable. 

You are staying awake for longer periods at a time during the day, which means I get to stare into your eyes more!

Your lips are getting fuller, I think they might be my favorite.. no your big bright eyes…no maybe your cute nose or your fuzzy head.. okay, everything about you is adorable.

I can’t wait to see how much weight you have gained next week at your one month Dr. visit. You sure a getting chubbier every day, it’s so precious, especially that little double chin of yours!  


Rae said...

These are truly love notes! Please print them off in case anything should happen to them online. I love Lola!

Cindy said...

I print every one out!