
Friday, November 23, 2012

One Month Dr. Visit

November 23,2012

Finally! Your one month Dr. visit! We couldn't wait to see how much weight you have gained. Grandma and Grandpa made bets, Grandpa won with a guess of 8 pounds. We definitely could tell that you were getting chunkier, your little thighs finally started to fill out and get little fat rolls and your chin got a little chubbier.  It really does make mommy so giddy, I just want you to be healthy and happy and it seems to me that you are anyway. ; )

So the results are in, you now weigh 7 pounds and 14 ounces! and you are now 20 and a half inches long! You can almost fit into your moby! (which daddy is not excited about because he doesn’t “trust” it…oh boy.  Anywho, the Dr. visit went great. All of your test that they took at the hospital turned out normal, so that made us happy. The nurses at the Dr.s office just gushed over you and how pretty you are and how much pretty hair you have. Your daddy and I had the biggest, proudest smiles on our faces the entire visit.  Now, I’m one of those parents, I can’t help it!  When the Dr. tells you everything looks perfect, it just makes you feel so good as a parent. There is honestly, no better feeling. 


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