
Wednesday, November 21, 2012

One Month Old

One Month
November 21, 20012

My little Peanut is a month old! Holy cow, it seems like just yesterday that I was holding you in the hospital, no wait it seems like just yesterday that I was announcing I was pregnant with a little peanut in my belly!  You have really changed this week. You are already a lot more alert than the week before and getting stronger and stronger.  You’re not as fragile as you once were. ; ) 

Your vision is improving so much! You are starting to follow my face, side to side. You also notice your toys on your car seat and bouncer, you don’t look at them for too long, but you definitely can tell they are there! You have also recently become very attached to our lamp in the living room. If you are ever fussy, all we have to do is put in you front of the lamp and you go into a trans.  It’s hilarious. You also starting staring at the ceiling fan in the living room, that is before daddy took it out, oh well.  

We had our first fussy night this week. I call it The night I gave into the paci.  You seemed to have the case of the toots and nothing seemed to sooth you until I stuck that paci in your mouth and you fell fast asleep. I didn't mind giving in to the "paci", because it had been a month and I had complete faith that you were well established on my breast. Plus if that makes my poor baby feel better then that’s what she gets. I really can’t complain, one long night after a month with a newborn, how lucky am I? You are such a sweetheart. 

You are sleeping about 3-4 hours at a time, at night. Not too shabby. However, with days your “naps” can range from 1-5 hours and you never know when they will be or how long. Hopefully they will be more routine in the coming months.  

You have also just discovered your hands. However, you are not too good with them just yet. You like to bonk yourself in the face and make a pouty face after the fact. It is, at the same time, sad & quite hilarious. 

You still make all sorts of goofy faces. I LOVE them all! Especially your sleepy smiles ; D They just make my heart melt. 

Poo Face!

 You are starting to recognize mommy and daddy’s voices too. You turn your head towards us when we speak, it’s pretty cute. 

Well, I think that’s it on the updates. 

Your first Thanksgiving is tomorrow. Daddy and I are sooo excited, it’s one of our favorite days of the year. Also, your one month Dr. visit is this week, can’t wait to see how much you have grown!  

Just don’t grow up too fast lil Pnut.    


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