
Monday, April 2, 2012

Cabin Fever

I have Cabin Fever! Bad bad bad

Even though I have been trying to keep myself busy lately, taking some pics, lunch with friends, walks with Lilly, I still might go insane.

We have been staying at my parents house for over three weeks now….. Don’t get me wrong I love my folks, but I’m a little OCD and when I get thrown off schedule, I tend to get a lil cranky… I’m used to my same ol’ daily routine and it’s way off track.

Life has been a crazy roller coaster ride for us lately, but the best ride of my life.  We have a lot going on right now, a lot of new and exciting stuff.  This past weekend we moved all of our stuff out of our place in Marion and into a storage unit in C-ville until we find a home.  I’m hoping it’s soon soon soon. We put an offer on a cute starter home in Maryville.  I hope everything works out, crossing my fingers.  Then last night we went for a walk in my parents neighborhood and Jake spots a house he REALLY likes… Oh boy.  So who knows what will happen, you never know with us.  I’m just trying to keep positive.  I know everything will work out, I just need to be patient.  Right now I’m surrounded by so many people that I love and who love me so I know I should be the happiest girl on Earth! ; )

So, speaking of Cabin Fever…

This weekend we get to go to one of my favorite places in the whole wide World.  The Little Red Cabin.  For those of you who don’t know anything about The Little Red Cabin, it’s well, a little red cabin in hidden deep down in Southern Mo. and I mean DEEP down.  There is nothing around, but woods, woods,, and more woods, well and a river and a bunch of hillbillies.  Jake’s parents own some land down there and it is seriously the perfect place to get away from it all. It’s just what I need right now.  It’s beautiful, peaceful and I bet you have never seen stars shine like they do there (not even in MTV) ;)  Now I know “roughing it” isn’t everyones thing, but it’s mine.  But, come on, when you have a bathroom and a kitchen you're not really “roughing it”. There are a bunch of fun little critters down there, but those things don’t bother me.  I lived next door to a guy who collected snakes growing joke.  I would go over and play with them…I wonder if my parents were around… Anyway, I was a tomboy growing up, I know, you wouldn’t have guessed that right? I love camping and getting dirty. For some reason my germaphobia goes away when I’m camping… isn’t that strange?

So lately, with the weather getting nice and listening to all these country songs, I have desperately been craving a trip to the cabin.  Which is why I am sooooooooooooooooo excited that we get to go!!! 3 more days!!! The river is calling my name!!! Can’t wait to skip some rocks with my sweetie, go fishin in the dark and sit on the swing and listen to the sound of sweet mother nature. :) Eeeeekkkkk I’m excited!!!

Now, I will bombard you with tons of pics!!
Rope Swing
River Rat
 Kumbaya..not really
The Gang
 Picking Blackberries
The End


Anonymous said...

You're getting better at this blog thing everytime. Keep it up.

sisterlinda said...

I hope you get to go to the cabin this upcoming weekend. It is always nice to get away from it all! Wayne and I are going to a cabin for a couple nights for my birthday. I can't wait to get away! The stars are amazing in the country. I hope you have a full moon also. Have fun!