
Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Hi Peanut!!!

April 11, 2012

Dear Peanut,
Yesterday was the sweetest, happiest, most precious day of my life.  I got to see you Peanut!!! Words can’t describe how I felt when you popped up on that screen.  You are already the cutest thing I have ever laid my eyes on.  Then the doctor pointed out your tiny little heartbeat on the screen and then the coolest thing happened, we go to hear it!  It sounded beautiful, like a miracle.  Tears started falling and I smiled and smiled and smiled.  Honestly, I have no idea what your daddy’s face looked like because I couldn’t take my eyes off you. I think I have a pretty good idea of what it looked like though. ;)  I heard him ask the Dr. if everything looked good.  He is already so worried about you. ; ) Thank God, everything looked normal from what he could tell at that point. I was so close to asking the Dr. if he could play your heartbeat again for us. Everything went by so fast!! Too fast, I never wanted it to end.

Last night I couldn’t sleep.  I just laid in bed with my hand on my belly and thought about you.  You have no idea how much you are loved already.  Me and daddy can’t thank God enough for putting you in our lives.  I can’t wait to see you again.  Then, in less than 7 months I’ll get to meet you!! Stay healthy peanut, mommy and daddy love you.

Peanut’s 1st Picture!
Our Gummy Bear
10 weeks 2 days 



Anonymous said...

That is the sweetest thing I have ever read. I love you so much.

Rae said...

i love you guys and pnut, too! You are blessed beyond measure!Enjoy the journey!