
Thursday, April 12, 2012

Finding Out

 March 9, 2012

Today I found out that I was going to be a Mom. I have wanted to me a mommy for so long.  Before I even took the test, I just sort of knew and I couldn’t wait to get home and pee on that stick. I had just finished eating lunch with Jake and the office ladies.  During lunch, one of them brought up something about me being pregnant and I couldn’t get it off my mind. After lunch I had to run to Wal-Mart to get some moving boxes so I decided to pick up a box of pregnancy test while I was there. What the heck, my curiosity was getting the best of me.  The 5 minute drive home seemed like forrrevveerr.  So on the long, 5 minute drive home I ran threw, in my head, how I had been feeling over the last 2 weeks. Well, I have been sluggish lately, which is not like me and my boobs were gigantamo, but could just be PMS. Then I thought about how I cry at the Pampers commercial ever time it comes on, but again, could just be PMS.  My monthly friend was late,  but it’s always wacko so that wasn’t that strange to me. Then I thought about how the smell of Jake’s mushrooms on his pizza last night was so strong it made me want to puke all over the pizza. That was different. Nooo I thought to myself, you don’t feel all those things that soon do you?

Yup! When I saw that second pink line show up words can’t describe how incredibly  blessed I felt.  So many emotions flooded my brain. Joy, love, happiness and a little worry. I have never been so happy in my life, I  just couldn’t sit still.  I just paced the house saying…maybe shouting a little,  “I’m having a baby! I’m having a baby!” over and over again. No I wasn’t talking to myself..Lilly was there. She was the first one to find out. ;),  I couldn’t wait to tell Jake.  Even though I was a little nervous to announce he was going to be a daddy,  I knew he would be just as happy as I was.  It took one try and God answered our prayers.  I don’t know what I did to deserve such an amazing life, but I know I’m blessed and I don’t take that for granted.

I took the test around 2:00 and had to wait a whole 3 hours before I could tell Jake.  So, I took cheesy pictures of me and the 3 test I took. Then I went to print them off for a card I wanted to make Jake.  I had to do something to keep me busy.  I bought Jake a card, wrote “You’re going to be a daddy.” and pasted the adorable, cheesy, goofy, best pictures I have ever taken, into the card. I couldn’t wait to give it to him. By then it was time to pick Jake up and by then my face hurt from smiling so much. ; )

 I got to Jakes work at 5:00 on the dot and waiting patiently (well the best I could anyway) for him to finish up with his last patient.  I just floated around the office on could nine.  I’m sure my hands were a little shaky and sweaty, I was so anxious.  When I approached Jake he was sitting down filling out some paperwork.  We chatted for a little bit while he focused on his writing, then all of a sudden he looked up at me and said “You’re pregnant aren’t you?” I didn't have to say a thing, my face said it all.  He just looked at me with love in his eyes and suddenly had the biggest smile on his face that I have ever seen. Whhewwww!  He gave me the tightest hug and we just held each other for a minute with tears in our eyes. It’s a moment I never want to forget, ever. I still have no idea how he knew what I was about to tell him, but he knew.

All night we were like two giddy little children. We drove straight to Barnes and Noble and bought a couple baby books.  I couldn’t wait to get home and start reading all about our little “peanut” as we call him or her.  Today is a day I never want to forget. It is truly the best day of my far. Now we are just praying for a healthy baby.

Mommy and Daddy love you so much already peanut.
Can’t wait for you to get here!



Rae said...

I have tears in my eyes...I am so happy that you and Jake are going to be parents! And you will be fantastic at it! Yes- you must post this to P-nut's baby book! Precious!

tamra said...

I love your story and the photos!!!!