
Saturday, October 20, 2012

Bump Check: Final Month!

   Bump Check :37 Weeks
October 7 - October 14  , 2012

Baby Frazier is considered a full term baby now, even though my due date is still three weeks away. If I were to go in labor now, his/her lungs will likely be mature enough to fully adjust to life outside the womb. baby should weigh just under 6.5 pounds, and measure a bit over 19 inches. Baby could have a full head of hair right now, and hopefully he/she does!!

How far along:  37 weeks
Total weight gain/loss:  + 27 lbs total 
Maternity clothes?:  I would say so. 
Strech marks?: No, Hallleluiah  
Sleep: Can’t complain, just need to switch sides a lot.
Best moment this week: Pumpkin Patch!!!
Movement: Even though baby is running out of room, he/she still likes to wiggle wiggle wiggle, Oh and jab me in the ribs still ; )
Food cravings: Pnut M&Ms...
Gender: ????
What I miss: Not being as slow as a turtle
Milestones: Full Term! 

This is my at my very last Dr. appointment, pre baby.  At this moment Im still thinking I have at least 2 weeks before our little bundle of joy arrives, but little did I know. I found out I passed the Group B Strep test. Good to know. I didn't want to be checked, so I wasn’t. Everything else looked great and the next day our lil Pnut decided SHE wanted to come out and meet her mommy and daddy early and I’m glad she did ; )

  Bump Check :38 Weeks
October 14 - October  21  , 2012

Baby Frazier is still just working on growing and putting on weight. He/she could be close to 7 pounds now, and about 19.5 inches long. His/her organs have matured and are ready for life outside the womb.

 How far along:  38 weeks
Total weight gain/loss:  + 28 lbs total Final weight!
Maternity clothes?: Not for long!
Strech marks?:  None, Success! 
Sleep: Not too bad
Best moment this week: My water breaking!
Movement: Lots and lots of hiccups, and kicks on the right side ; )
Food cravings: PB &J
Gender: ????
What I miss: Jumping around like a maniac 
Milestones: Had a healthy, beautiful baby girl!

  Belated Bump Check: 2 Week Postpartum

I look so thrilled in this pic haha

   My post baby bump is going down more and more everyday.  I’m actually quite surprised at how well it looks already. I thought it would be all loose and gross, but it looks completely normal, just more squishier than before. haha I’m just so thankful I made it without one stretch mark, but I don’t want to get too cocky, there is always next time.. and the time after that. Right Jake ; )  I’m  pretty excited to start working out again. I know they say 6 weeks, but…come on.  I can’t wait to tighten it up! LOL  As far as my weight loss goes. I weighed myself a week after I have birth and I was down 18 Lbs and haven't weighed myself since. 10 more lbs to go! Could be less, by now, but I don't own a scale and I’m not big on weighing myself.   Hopefully it won’t be too difficult, but with all this Halloween candy, birthday cake and then Thanksgiving and Christmas approaching, I'm  not too sure. ;)    


Unknown said...

You are an amazing wonderul woman and I love you so so much. I am so proud of you and for Lola to have such a wonderul mommy.

Unknown said...

You are an amazing wonderul brave woman. I love you so much ad feel so blessed for Lola to have such a wondl mommy.