
Monday, October 1, 2012

Daddy had a dream


Last night Jake had a dream that I gave birth to a puppy. A Yorkie I think is what he said it was, of course. He said that it popped out of a slit right above my belly and underneath my breast.  Then he told me that in his dream we were like “awww it’s a puppy”!  Really Jake? lol We weren’t just a little bit concerned? Then he thought about how right before that he saw baby ears through my belly so there had to be a baby in there too.  So a little hard ball popped out of the slit after the puppy and this time it was a baby….or was it? He said it looked like a plastic doll, but was real. “Like a cabbage patch doll.” I think is what he said.  I was half asleep when he was telling me this dream.  He said it was “so cute.” LOL I’m not sure what this dream is supposed to mean, but Jake said we were really really excited about our new puppy and plastic baby ; /

and that was daddy’s dream….

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