
Thursday, August 16, 2012

Bump Check: 7th Month

 My 7th Month Bump Check
July 15-August 12, 2012

So I am officially waddling around now! LOL I also need Jake to give me a little push when I am getting up off the couch. ; ) It’s great, I love my big belly. I usually wear Jakes clothes around the house now as well, comfort is key and his boxer briefs look great on me. hehe I am now experiencing the lovely aches and pains that comes along with the gift of carrying a child, heartburn, leg cramps, backaches. It really isn’t that bad, I say it could be a lot worse and I’m sure it will be. : O  Jake and I are so excited to meet our little peanut, we can’t even stand it anymore.  I don’t know how many times we say that to each other on a weekly basis…. Life right now is perfect.

Oh and just so we are all aware, I'm down to double digits until my due date. 80 days to be precise. 

Bump Check :25 Weeks
July 22-July 29, 2012

This week our baby should be about 13.5 from head to heel, and weight about a pound and a half. Baby F is finally starting to put on some baby fat so her/his skin doesn't look so wrinkly. Supposedly he/she is also starting to grow some more hair, and it is sporting a discernible color and texture.

How far along: 25 weeks
Total weight gain/loss:  +10 lbs 
Maternity clothes?: Going shopping this week, I can’t wear yoga pants on vacation!
Strech marks?: Nope! 
Sleep: Can’t Complain
Best moment this week: Finally deciding on a nursery color. Now, trying to decide on bedding, hmmm
Movement:Everyday! Peanut likes music and sunshine!
Food cravings: Chocolate
Gender: ????
What I miss: Training for races
Milestones: Reaching my third and final trimester! Woohoo!!

 Bump Check :26 Weeks
July 22-July 29, 2012

Hello third trimester! You heard me, two down, only one to go. 

Our baby should weigh over a pound and a half, and measure 14 inches from head to heel. No wonder he/she can kick me in my bladder while headbutting me in the ribs… Baby's ears are continuing to develop and become more sensitive. So much so that he/she can probably hear conversations that Jake and I are having. Baby is inhaling and exhaling small amounts of amniotic fluid, which is essential for the development of  his/her lungs. These so-called breathing movements are also good practice for when he/she's born and takes that first gulp of air.

How far along: 26 weeks
Total weight gain/loss:  +12 lbs 
Maternity clothes?: I finally went to Motherhood and got some shirts and shorts.
Strech marks?: Nope! 
Sleep: Getting better. Haven’t had sore hips or leg cramps in awhile! ; )
Best moment this week: Feeling my baby get the hiccups for the first time! So precious 
Movement: Stronger and Stronger! Daddy & I love to feel & see baby squirming before we go to bed.
Food cravings: Cereal
Gender: ????
What I miss: Using my abs to get up off the couch
Milestones: Started our birthing classes this week! Not sure if that counts, but hey

Bump Check :27 Weeks
July 29- August 5 , 2012

Our baby is nearing two pounds and is around 14.5 inches from head to heel. Baby is sleeping and waking at regular intervals, opening and closing his/her eyes, and perhaps even sucking his/her fingers. With more brain tissue developing, baby's brain is very active. While his/her lungs are still immature, they would be capable of functioning  

with a lot of medical help  if he/she were born now. And any rhythmic movements that I might feel could possibly be the baby getting the hiccups. 

How far along: 27 weeks
Total weight gain/loss:  +13 lbs 
Maternity clothes?:  Yup, I must admit they are not the most attractive, but they sure are comfortable ; )
Strech marks?: Nope! 
Sleep: Been great, but I don’t want to jinx myself ; )
Best moment this week: Leaving on a jet plane with the my favorite peeps (except my rents of course)
Movement:  I can see my belly moving all the time now. Instead of kicks or jabs I can actually feel the baby’s body parts swipe agains my stomach. It’s the coolest thing ever. 
Food cravings: Fruit, good thing I’ll be on an island
Gender: ????
What I miss: Putting the lime in the coconut and drinking it all up
Milestones:  Being healthy enough to travel

Bump Check :28 Weeks
August 5- August  , 2012

Our lovely little peanut should be weighing about 2.25 pounds, and measuring 14.8 inches from head to heel. Baby can blink his/her eyes, which now sport lashes, hopefully Jakes long lashes.  Baby's eyesight is developing, which means he/she might be able to see light that filters into the womb. Baby F is also developing billions of neurons in his/her brain and adding more body fat in preparation for life in the outside world.

I’m not sure what happened while I was on the island, but I feel that my belly was growing by the minute! Everyone else thought so too. I would wake up every morning and everyone would say “wow, that thing grew over night!" I have a feeling that’s how every morning for these next 12 weeks are going to be. The cool thing, every time my belly gets bigger, the more I feel my baby squirm around inside me.  It’s starting to feel so cool,weird,unbelievably incredible. Definitely not just kicks anymore, which is making me more protective over my belly. I mean, now that I think I can tell where the baby’s head is kind of scares me. What if I drop my iPad on it? Not that I have done that of course. ; )  And of course, it is getting harder to breathe, but who needs to breath right? ; ) Not me! 

How far along: 28 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: +14 lbs Gulp
Maternity clothes?:  Yup!
Strech marks?: Nope, not yet! Knock on wood!!
Sleep: Great!! Slept like a a half… haha  Had an amazing bed to sleep on, on vacation!!
Best moment this week: Every moment was great, me and peanut were on an island!
Movement: Baby is a rolly polly! I can’t explain this feeling, simply amazing!
Food cravings: “Sneaky Snacks” 
Gender: So excited that we don’t know
What I miss: I dunno… I can’t remember ; )
Milestones: Survived our first family vacation ; )

Now, as I venture into my 8th, yes 8th month of pregnancy, I am more excited than I have ever been before. Maybe my turkey timer will pop this month! (aka belly button) Only 12 more weeks until I get to meet my sweet lil baby!!!

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