This is probably going to be way too long of a story but here it goes.
June 8th and we just arrived at Missouri Baptist, which is where we will be delivering our baby, but for the meantime we were there for an ultrasound. This is around 10:30 in the morning and yes I ate breakfast and was hydrated. As soon as we pulled into the parking garage, I got out of the car and felt my lower stomach getting really tight and felt little dizzy. I kept walking and it seemed to be getting worse. As soon as we got into the elevator I told Jake I was dizzy and felt like I might pass out. He told me to lie on the floor and I told him I wanted to wait until we got out of the elevator. The doors opened up to the lobby and jake sat me down on the closest bench. The next thing I know I woke up and there were 4 Drs standing over me. Poor Jake was scared to death. He said I passed out sitting up in his arms so he laid me down and starting yelling for help. Yikes. So I told everyone that I felt better and I really wanted to head up to get my ultra sound. : ) I’m stubborn. Well, the Dr.s that were around weren’t convinced I was all better yet so they walked me up there (after I refused a wheel chair) Well, as soon as I walked to the ultrasound room, I felt it coming again. So they laid me down, hooked me up to a heart rate monitor and had me lie on the floor for awhile. One of the Dr.s called my OBGYN and he told them to send me to the E.R. and get some test done. At this point I was getting a lil worried, for my baby not for myself. I asked them if my baby was okay, and one woman Dr. (sweetest lady ever) reassured me my baby was fine. I could tell Jake was scared to death, but he stayed calm and collected. One of the woman Dr.s told me I have the best husband ever ,but I know this. ; ) They said my heart rate kept dropping so they laid me onto a stretcher and wheeled me to the E.R. All of the Dr.s were so caring and attentive, I don’t even know what kind of Dr.s they were, but they were awesome. Jake kept asking them all these questions and one of them asked if he was a Dr. lol Of course, humble Jake responds with “Well, yeah, just a dentist. ; ) On my lovely ride to the E.R. I it started happening again and this is when I knew something wasn’t right. See, I thought it was just a fluke incident at first because a year ago I passed out at Jakes graduation and felt completely find afterwards and never thought twice about it. So I laid there and took deep breaths and my hearing and color came back before I passed out. This happened about 3-4 times after the real pass out. The E.R. did an E.K.G. of my heart, took my blood sugar, pumped me with fluids, took a mini ultra sound to make sure baby was okay, and everything came back great. What?! Well, what the heck is wrong with me than? Ummm E.R. Dr. came back with this.
Vasovagal syncope Some people get dizzy when they strain to cough, pee, or have a bowel movement. These actions can prompt their blood pressure and heart rate to fall, leading to dizziness and fainting. (Vasovagal means your vagus nerve is affecting your circulatory system; syncope means fainting.) Dehydration, anxiety, and pain can also be triggers.
Pregnant women are more prone to vasovagal syncope. Besides lightheadedness, it's often preceded by warning signs such as a feeling of warmth, paleness, sweating, nausea, yawning, and hyperventilation. Pay attention to these symptoms and lie down immediately to help keep yourself from fainting.
This still doesn’t help me much. So I could pass out again if I pee or cough? WHAT?! How crazy is this. I stole that from the babycenter website, but that is what the Dr. seems to think it was. It still doesn’t really tell me much. Jake looked on some forums and found woman who have had this happen to them while pregnant say it will probably happen again…..great. So now, me and everyone else is worried it’s gonna happen while I’m driving or in the store. Jake sternly told me that if I feel it coming again, no matter where I am I better lie down immediately. I could fall and hurt the baby, well then of course I will, duh. So if you pass me in the grocery store laying on the floor just wave. Okay so it’s not really funny, but I try not to take it too seriously. I’m just thankful it is not something too serious. I guess I can say I’m lucky. Good news is they still got me in to have my ultra sound that day and I got to see our baby (most amazing thing in the World) ; ) That made all my worries go away, I’m not sure about Jake though, he seemed distraught the whole rest of the day. ; (Jake told me I shouldn’t go to the gym anymore, but I insisted I was fine and that if I felt a slightly bit dizzy, I’ll stop. I was just doing light exercises there anyway, nothing compared to what I did before I was pregnant. I gave up running right away. So about 3 weeks go by and no pass outs or sense of one coming. I had been going to the gym regularly like I had been doing for months. After all, exercise, when done lightly, is good for mama and baby. One morning, only after about 10 minutes on the Elliptical, I started feeling that tight uncomfortable feeling in my lower stomach again. So I stopped what I was doing and left the gym. I thought that must have been my bodies way of saying, no work out today. A couple days later I went back and it happened again, but as I was walking on the treadmill this time. I know what you guys are thinking.. why did I go back. Well, thats what all my loved ones keep saying to me anyway. Well, because it has been 100 degrees and I wanted to walk. I don’t think anyone believed me when I told them this happened just from walking, but it did. So I’m walking on the treadmill (very slowly) and I feel my stomach get tight and uncomfortable again so I walk to the locker room and sit down on the bench. The tightness goes away immediately so I think what the heck can I do if I can’t walk?? So I got and get on a bike. As I pedal like a 90 year old granny on the bike it comes back so I get up off the bike to leave and I feel dizzy. Oh great. I walk to the locker room and it started getting worse. I was getting sweaty and my hearing started going out (uh oh) so I lay down on the bench and text Jake “its happening again” Jake calls me immediately. “What’s wrong, where are you?” Umm uh oh, I think he is going to kill me at this point. I started tearing up and tell him I’m at the gym and what was going on. Yeah, he is mad. He tells me to stay right there and hangs up. I lay there thinking oh no, what is he up to? As I lay there, I started feeling better. My hearing started to come back and I stopped sweating. I laid there and thought, maybe Jake is calling the gym and having them come check on me. Oh gosh how embarrassing, so I hopped up and started heading to my car. It started to come back, oh great. I sat in my car and laid the seat back just in case I was to pass out at any minute. Jake calls and tells me, my mom is on her way… that’s what he was up to. So I laid in the car and waiting for my mommy to come pick me up and my little “episode” passed. She took me to her house and I laid on the couch and felt 100% again. Of course now everyone is mad at me. This happened while I was at the gym, how bad does that look. I jut couldn’t help but wonder, what is wrong with me. That shouldn’t happen just from walking, how come it doesn’t happen to other pregnant ladies, how unfair. I just wish people understood I was WALKING, but no one does and it frustrates me. I used to be a runner and now I can’t even walk. I felt very depressed.
Jake and I had our monthly Dr. appointment with our OBGYN, Dr. Mormol about a week ago. (July3) I couldn’t wait to talk to him about this. I was hoping he would have some answers for me, but it turns out, no one does. Or at least the answers that will satisfy me. I guess I should be happy with what he tells me and not that it’s something serious. Basically, what he says is that I shouldn't even walk on the treadmill if it’s happening then. Big sad face for Cindy. He suggest I try swimming and getting one of those belts you wrap under your belly to help carry the weight. Even swimming sometimes does it to me. I started to cry in the office…EMBARRASSING! He was sweet and understanding though, he tells me my body is just not used to this new sudden weight gain and it can’t handle it. My stinking body can’t handle an extra 9 pounds.. pathetic.
So… that’s where I am today (July 9th)…I feel like I’m on bed rest. Knock on wood that doesn’t happen.
I went kayaking this past weekend and felt great. It’s weird what triggers “the tightening of my stomach” and what doesn’t. Sometimes just walking through a store does it. It’s a weird thing and I’m finally getting over it and getting used to it. I know what I need to do if it happens and that is just sit down and take it easy. I know, now, it’s my bodies way of saying slow down Cindy, and that is just what I’ll have to do. I have never wanted anything more than to be a mom and to be pregnant and I know it sounds like it’s a burden to me, but the truth is I wouldn’t trade it for the World. It is seriously the most wonderful thing that has ever happened to me. When I lay in bed at night and feel my precious baby wiggling around inside of me, I think about how silly it is to get upset over this and how I would do ANYTHING for that little life. There is truly NOTHING BETTER. I know how blessed I am to be carrying this miracle in my belly, I truly do. Peanut you’re already one stubborn baby, but I love you more than anything in the World.
p.s. if anyone else has had this happen to them I would love to hear your stories!

You are a skinny, small framed girl so that extra 9lbs is going to have a bigger impact on your body. Just try and be patient like you said :) Congrats to you and Jake! You will make great parents! Something I think you should check out, Piloga. I have a few pregnant ladies in my class that love it. Plus you can do it at home and keep Jake happy ;) My instructor is Kim Carriglio and she has a web site you might find helpful.
Good luck with everything!
Kate W.
you can walk after pnut gets here! I had bed rest for 5 months with Jake. You can do it!Love you!!
I had the stomach contractions when I exercised too. I was always told to stop everything and relax. As far as passing out, make sure you tell someone around you and keep your phone handy. Don't hide away, people can help you. I'll keep you both in my prayers. Take it have the rest of your life to exercise!
I had the stomach contractions when I exercised too. I was always told to stop everything and relax. As far as passing out, make sure you tell someone around you and keep your phone handy. Don't hide away, people can help you. I'll keep you both in my prayers. Take it have the rest of your life to exercise!
Thank you Kate! I will look that up! You’re right about the extra weight, the Dr. said the same thing ; ) Hope you’re doing good!!!
Thanks Tamra ; ) I have been taking it easy don’t worry!! Thanks for the prayers, you are too sweet ; ) miss you guys!!
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