
Thursday, July 19, 2012

Bump Check: Month 6

 Bump Check :22 Weeks
July 1, 2012

Baby is a whopping 11 inches long and weighs almost a whole pound! According to, our little peanut should look like a mini newborn, with lips, eyelids and eyebrows that are becoming more distinct, and even tiny tooth buds developing beneath the gums. Baby's eyes are now completely formed, but are still lacking pigment.  Baby is also more capable of hearing noises from outside the womb. Sometimes I  talk to Peanut, so he/she isn't so bored floating around all by their self in there :o).

How far along: 22 weeks
Total weight gain/loss:  +9 lbs
Maternity clothes?:  Bella Band, but I need some lol
Strech marks?: Nope, but using oil and cream every day! 
Sleep: Some nights good, some nights bad
Best moment this week: Seeing the baby move!
Movement: Baby moves a lot more these days, especially at night.  When I’m lying on my side, baby likes to kick me until I switch sides, demanding little one.
Food cravings: Fruit
Gender: ????
What I miss: Sweet tea
Milestones: Umm Dunno, making it to 22 weeks! ; )

23 Weeks July 8, 2010

 Bump Check :24 Weeks
July 15, 2012

24 weeks. Really? REALLY?!? I seriously can't believe it. That means there are only 16 weeks left until my due date. .

Making it to 24 weeks is a pretty big deal in my book. From what I understand, 24 weeks = viability. No, no one really wants their baby to come into the world only having been baked for 24 weeks, but at this point there is a chance she could make it outside my body. I'd say that is a pretty big accomplishment.

Baby is now about a foot long, and still weighing just over a pound. Supposedly baby gained about 4 ounces in the last week. Baby's brain is growing quickly now, and their taste buds are continuing to develop. Baby's lungs are developing "branches" of the respiratory "tree" as well as cells that produce surfactant, a substance that will help their air sacs inflate once he/she hits the outside world.

I can definitely tell that our little one is getting bigger and stronger. Jake is still the only one besides me who has felt the baby move, but I'm hoping soon peanut will be moving often enough and um, big enough? that other people can feel it.

How far along: 24 weeks
Total weight gain/loss:  +10 lbs
Maternity clothes?:  Wore my first REAL piece of maternity clothing this week,  pink shorts!
Strech marks?: Nope, not that I can see anyway LOL
Sleep: Leg cramps occasionally, some nights great, some nights not so great
Best moment this week: Every moment I feel my baby wiggle around is great 
Movement: I feel the kicks getting stronger and feel baby moving around a lot more, it tickles sometimes! ; )
Food cravings: Chocolate
Gender: Only God knows, well and the Dr.
What I miss: Walking around a store without getting out of breath
Milestones:  Reaching Viability 

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