
Friday, November 8, 2013

A Letter to Lola

October 21, 2013

Dear Lola,
     I can’t even put into words how incredible this last year has been with you in our lives. I have always dreamed of having a daughter, but never could I have imagined she would be as beautiful as you are, inside and out.  My love for you is greater than you will ever know or understand, at least until you have a child of your own one day. Anyone that knows you at all, knows you already have such a sparkling personality. You have the ability to put a smile on the face of any stranger. You make your father and me two of the happiest, proudest parents that this World has ever known, and you’re only one!

One year old, I still can’t wrap my head around that. It has been a whole year since I heard that first mousy cry and seen your beautiful face for the first time.  Since then, your father and I have been on the best journey of our lives. We absolutely have adored watching you grow from a tiny, fragile newborn into an independent, smart, silly (almost toddler).  I feel so blessed to get to spend each and every day with you and cherish every moment of it. You amaze me daily. I love watching your little mind work and I am in awe. You are spunky, you are stubborn, you are sweet, you are so many wonderful things.  When you are asleep I miss that mischievous little smile, you know the one you give me when I tell you not to do something, but you just really really want to do it anyway.  Or that curious little mind of yours that loves to get into any and everything. And even your hot headed little moments, because we know you have those as well. You are a determined little thing, a woman who knows what she wants and I have a feeling you are going to keep me and your father on our toes, but I wouldn’t have it any other way.

 I wish that we could hold onto your youth forever. I know that you are growing faster than we can keep up with. Soon you will have morphed into a beautiful woman and have amazing children of your own to adore. This letter will never be enough to describe the love we have for you. I hope you know how wonderful life is with you in it and how much you are loved.  You have made our lives complete and for that I thank you so so much, sweetheart.

Love your mommy & Daddy

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