
Wednesday, November 6, 2013

10 Weeks

Pictures to come, although I look exactly the same as I did at 10 weeks with Lola Rae. Hoping to come up with some kind of idea for this little bean soon!                    

how far along:  10 weeks

size of baby:  according to the bump  a prune! Now He/She is about 1.2 inches long and weighs about .14 ounces. The body length will almost double in the next three weeks. 

maternity clothes:  nope 

weight gain:  0 pounds.  This week will be my starting point.  I’m actually 3 pounds lighter than what I weighed at 10 weeks with Lola.  I gained a total of 33 pounds with Lola and this time around I would like to gain no more than 30, but we shall see how that goes. ;)

symptoms:  Most of the fatigue is gone, thank goodness. The nausea really kicked in around 7 weeks and peaked around 8. The last two weeks I have noticed it already getting a little better. The last time it went away around 12 weeks, so I’m really counting on only two more weeks of it. I forgot how not fun feeling nauseous all the time is.  I guess I didn't have a one year old to take care of last time. ; )

looking forward to:  feeling like my normal self and not so nauseous or fatigued.  

exercise:  Hmm I have kind of been in a slump lately. Not running as much as I would like to, but hoping to pick that up soon, since I’m starting to feel better.  I did run a 10k when I was 8 weeks pregnant and had a decent time, especially for wanting to puke during the race. I had a half marathon at 9 weeks and you can just say I took that one real easy. Right Nikki? Wink Wink.

cravings/aversions:  Lots of aversions. I used to eat eggs every morning for breakfast and lately I have a hard time even making them for Lola, but hopefully that will go away, because I need my protein! I have just been really picky and I hate it. I hope that goes away soon!! 

movement:  nope.  I first felt Lola at around 16-17 weeks so of course that is when I expect to feel this little bean. 

sleep:  Fine, other than the fact that I get up to pee about 2 times a night. I’m not used to that. My little angel lets me get plenty of sleep every night, so I am just thankful for that and enjoying it while I can!  

gender:  Currently thinking boy, for no reason at all.  We are not finding out the sex with this one either, it’s just too awesome of an experience. Plus, we would be more than thrilled with either sex.  I know I want to have a boy some day, but I'd LOVE a sister for Lola, especially close in age. Time will tell! 

worries:  Trying not to worry about anything, it’s all in Gods hands. 

what's different this time:  I’m glad I kept a journal with my last pregnancy. It’s nice going back and seeing how I felt each week. So far both pregnancies seem to be very similar and I’m curious to see if it stays that way.  Obviously this time around I can’t just lounge around if I’m not feeling very well, I have a very active one year old to take care of. Luckily, she is a very easy kid, for the most part and loooves her sleep. Whew! 

milestones: Heard the heartbeat and saw the cutest fetus in the World, wiggling around. 

best moment this week:  Seeing our future son or daughter pop up on that screen. Your heart just falls instantly in love. & Hearing the heartbeat, of course.  It’s such a comforting and magical sound. 

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