6 Weeks
December 2, 2012

My beautiful girl
You are my sunshine. Six weeks old already and what can you do now besides get any stinking cuter?! Well… you seem to be a lot easier to hold these days. Your neck is definitely getting stronger. When people come over to visit they say that they don’t feel like they are going to break you anymore.
You are also getting better with your hands. You grab on to things a lot more. You like to grab on mommy’s hair and shirt, especially when you are nursing. You also attempt to suck on your fist. Sometimes it looks like you can’t decide if you like the taste of them or not. haha I’m hoping not, and just maybe you will decide that sucking your thumb is for babies, and if you are a thumb sucker, I’m afraid I will think that it’s terribly cute. You, can now produce saliva! Woohoo! but not a lot, yet anyway.
You love to stare at your daddy. It seems that you are very interested in what he has to say already. Me on the other hand, I think you are getting sick of looking at my face. You like to furrow your eyebrows at me, but I think thats what you do when you are really concentrating on something. It’s cute. You love to stare at the trees, birds and even your books on your nursery walls. I think mommy did a pretty good job at picking them out and Nana did an amazing job and creating it for me. You are starting to notice all sorts of things, especially with a lot of contrast. Of course you love our Christmas tree lights, but out of everything you still LOVE the lamp in the living room the most! You just LOVE bright lights.
You started to laugh in your sleep. That is mommy’s absolute favorite. What are you laughing at, I wonder? I can’t wait till you really laugh, I can just imagine the sound of your sweet little giggle and it makes my heart melt already.
We have been taking you out more. You had your first trip to the mall and a couple more trips to Cracker Barrel and 54th street. Each time you slept and were an absolute angel for mommy and daddy.
You still like to sleep with one fist agains your cheek when you are in my arms, so sweet. Your starting to get more on schedule when it comes to sleeping at night. You usually fall asleep around 9 or 10 wake up around 2 for a feeding and again around 5 am for another feeding. I can’t complain about that!
Oh yeah, you fit into your cloth diapers and moby now! Woohoo!! Such a big, lil Pnut.
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