9 Months
My little bitty baby girl is three quarters of a year old today, and she isn't so little bitty anymore. I can slowly (but more quickly than I like) see the baby fading away and her moving closer and closer to being a toddler.
Even though my baby is turning into a toddler and not so much a baby she is still my little Pnut. She is shedding her baby fat and looking more and more like a petite little girl. She had her 9 month check up this month and my little girl weighed in at 14 lb 14 oz (5.57%) and 2 feet and 2.12 inches (6.52%) So, yeah, she is a shrimp.

Even though Lola is teeny tiny, she LOVES to eat. She has been self feeding herself since she was about 6 and a half months old and is doing great at it. This kid loves to put anything and everything in her mouth anyway, so go figure she would be a pro at eating. She has never turned down a single thing, including brussels sprouts. Hopefully she will have an amazing pallet one day. She can suck down one of those food pouches in about 10 seconds flat. I still make her food, but the Dr. says she can eat more table foods. I have been giving her eggs, bananas, green beans etc. for awhile, I’m scared to try anything else, but I guess we need to venture out more. I mean, the kid still has no teeth or signs of any soon. Thank goodness, mommy is still nursing, about 4-6 times a day. She also does great with a sippy cup, that took her about 10 minutes to figure out, but so did throwing it on the ground and having mommy pick it up.

Along with eating, the kid loves her sleep. She will sleep about a total of 12 hours a night. 5-6 hours straight, nurse than another 5-6 hours. Plus two naps a day. I can’t complain. She needs to be rocked to sleep though, but I cherish those moments. She has her nights where for some reason she will wake up every couple hours just for me to rock her a couple minutes then passes out. Im guessing gas?
She had an interesting month with separation anxiety and would absolutely not let anyone except mommy or daddy hold her. Not even the grandparents. She would reach out for me and cry “ ma ma ma ma”. She usually did okay, if I wasn’t in sight, but not always. That really only lasted a month and a half. She has recently gotten a lot better, but is definitely a mamas girl.
Strangers love to comment on Lola's eyes and hair. Most often we get a “wow, she has a lot of hair!”, “wow look at those big blue eyes” “What, a doll!” You should see her daddy’s proud smile. It makes me grin when I hear people as they walk by and talk about what a beautiful baby she is. Proud mama, yup, sorry.
She definitely keeps me on my toes. Sometimes she will do great with playing by herself on the floor, but for the most part, I need to be right there beside her. Her favorite toys are her balls and standing ball machine, or really anything she hasn’t played with yet. She pretty much wants anything that is off limits, remotes, phones etc.
If there is a string or piece of dirt on the floor she will find it and put it in her mouth. Lets just say vacuuming is a daily activity around this house.
She still has a pretty interesting crawl. More like an inch worm, but if she see something she wants she will get there. She pulls herself up on everything now. Recently, I will go to get her out of her crib and she will be standing waiting for me. Or she will be sitting play with her “froggy”. In the middle of the night, when I go to get her she is on her belly, fussing. Too sleepy to sit up, I suppose.
I love watching her learn new things. I will ask her where certain objects are in her room and she has started to point at them. It makes me so giddy. Even the fact that she can point, is the cutest new development. She won’t always point though, sometimes, for example I will ask where the dog is or da da and she will turn and look at them, but she knows what I’m talking about, which is so cool.
Speaking of dog, she can sign for dog and say it! I’m pretty sure she said duck in the bath tub one day, but hasn’t said it since. She is an expert at ma ma and for some reason da da turned into ga da, but it works. When I say the word ball or book she likes to make a raspberries with her lips. When I tell her “no” she just looks up at me and repeats “no” no” and I can’t help but smile at that sweet innocent face, so I’m not sure if she will ever learn what the word means, ; )
She has started to dance (bobble up and down) when music comes on, which might be my new favorite thing. She also can clap on command. If you start singing “If your happy and you know it” she will finish it up with a nice little clap. So cute. All of these things she likes to do on her own terms, so it drives me nuts when she is stubborn and won’t “show off” for me! haha Thank goodness for the video camera!

Lola is fascinated with bubbles in the bath tub. Most of the time she will try to eat them, go figure. The first time I made her a bubble bath she got some on her arm and looked at them with the most confused look. It was histarical. She has always seemed to enjoy her bath, but now that she takes one like a big girl it is probably her favorite place to be. She loves to splash and chew on her rubber ducks. I’ll ask her where is the seals nose (her bathtub is a seal) and she will point to it. She is not a fan of drying off. I usually try to distract her with the lotion bottle while I dry her hair and put lotion on. Once she is dressed she is a happy camper again.
I’m loving this goofy, little personality she is developing. Watching her grow is honestly the neatest experience of my life and it just keeps getting better.
Other cute random things she does
*Open mouth kisses (only for mommy and sometimes daddy)
*Smiles and kicks her legs like crazy when daddy gets home
*Loves to make any weird nose you can think of, with her mouth
*Cracks up when I pretend to suck on her paci, then she continues to try and shove it in my mouth
* Fascinated with taking all of her books out of the basket
*Loves her “tweet tweets” above her bed
*roars like a lion (that lasted a week or two for some reason)
*blows raspberries on my legs
*pants like a dog, when she gets excited
*’sings’ along with mommy (la la la)
Miss Lola, mommy and daddy think you're the greatest. Just keep being you :o). Happy nine months my happy little girl!