
Monday, July 9, 2012

Halfway There

Bump Check: 20 weeks

June  17th


The reality of this situation? I am halfway done with my pregnancy. In approximately 20 weeks I will meet my son or daughter. I've completed more days than I have left. Seriously? I can't believe it. How bitter-sweet it is!

For comparison, here is where I started (6 weeks) 
and where I am now!

This week our baby is being compared to a banana . Baby is about 6.5 inches from head to bum, and weighs about 10.6 oz. 

My belly is definitely growing at a rapid pace now.  It’s crazy, every morning I step out of bed and am amazed at how much my belly grew just over night!

Besides my lil fiasco at the hospital read about it here life has been great.  Most of the time I feel great. I get a little more tired than I used to and sleeping isn’t the easiest, but my ligament pain hasn’t been too bad lately so I really can’t complain. 

I feel the baby move more and more each day. It is the most exciting thing. It never gets old. Each kick is like it’s happening for the first time. If you ever see me and I have a huge goofy smile on my face it’s probably because I just felt my baby move inside of me, coolest thing ever! 

How far along: 20 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: +  ? pounds Haven’t weighed myself. My guess is over 5 under 10
Maternity clothes: Still just using my bella band
Stretch marks?: nada
Sleep: Bad without my Snoogle, Great with my Snoogle  ; )
Best moment this week: Every moment I feel my baby move!
Food cravings: No strange cravings.  Just Chocolate! 
Gender: ?
What I miss: My old clothes
Milestones: Making the halfway point!

I still can’t believe that I’m halfway there already.  Time really dose fly when you’re having fun!

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