
Wednesday, February 22, 2012

I’m PreTTy Random

I never should have told you guys I would C-ya tomorrow… I should have known better than that. It was a Tuesday and I never post on Tuesdays.  Tuesdays are Jake’s late days.  He doesn’t have to go into work until 11 so we usually go eat  breakfast together or hang out at home before he has to leave. Then by that time I’m not in the mood to write a post.. Gosh, sorry folks, I forgot all about that. Like you really care. LOL

For those of you who read my post on Monday, I probably should have mentioned that the new, exciting things happening in our life is NOT an adorable baby Frazier. ; ) Sooooo sorry about that. : O I bet you are still wondering what it is though…nope still not telling. I’m such a horrible person.

Back to babies.. My friend Rachel is about to pop any minute and I’m sooo excited and happy for them!! I am really hoping Baby S will be soon, so we can see him/her when we come in town this weekend!!! Ahhh I can’t wait to meet their beautiful baby and squeeze it’s little cheeks!!! Just kidding guys, I will not do that..when you are looking. ; )

So today I have to go take our car in to get the oil changed. Good news is it’s free! Yipeee. I can’t believe that we have already put 6,000 miles on it. Dang, thats what happens when you live 2 hours away from everything!!!

Speaking of oil changes. I never got to share with you guys my Lovely V-day gift for Jakeypoo.  I found this idea on the amazing Pinterest site and it was just too lovely not to make. I mean, how sweet is this?

Ta Da!

Pretty darn cute huh? It was a long, but fun process. I ended up giving it to him when we woke up V-day morning. I was going to wait and give it to him on the plane, but we were in our cabin room with a great view looking out into the mountains and I just thought it was the perfect moment. Okay, really I didn’t think the box would fit in my carry on, on the way home and I couldn’t wait any longer!!! It was a success!!! He looooovvveed it! Go meeee Go meee!  Later we walked around the adorable little ski town and a stocked up on chocolates. Chocolate covered pretzels, chocolate covered strawberries, chocolate covered raisins, cookies oh yes, it all went into my belly. So on that note, I think I’m going to go for a run.

Oh, & have a lovely National Margarita Day!!!


sisterlinda said...

You are always a busy girl...I don't know how you have time to blog!

I was telling Rae, what Melissa made for Brian and she said it was what you were making for Jake. Hers turned out really nice also. I was telling her I doubt if I could think of 52 reasons that I loved her Dad! LOL!

I can tell that you miss the Edwardsville area and I am hoping your surprise is that you are moving back...or at least closer!

Well, time for house work and possibly an afternoon nap! Have yourself a lovely day.

Rae said...

You did a great job, Cin! Love it