I’m a natural.
I visited a farm when I was just a little girl. My parents let me take home a baby duck. It lived in a box in the kitchen and it was my best friend. It’s name was Quack Quack. I played with it, took baths with it and smothered it with love, literally. One day my father told me that my duck had passed away. "No way dad, Quack Quack is just sleeping. " Turns out I had accidentally strangled my duck while carrying it around the house. So you’re probably wondering what this has to do with goats? I just want to let everyone know, I learned a lot from that duck incident and I am now prepared to be a wonderful farm owner one day.
It’s true though, I want a farm, a goat farm. I want other animals on my farm also, but they will come after the goats of course. I’m not really sure when I developed my passion for raising goats, but it’s there and it isn’t going away! Sorry Jake! Jake is aware of my passion and he supports my dreams. He may not be thrilled about having a goat farm one day, but I think he is warming up to the idea.
I love peoples reactions when I tell them I want a goat farm. They either A. Think I’m joking and ignore what I just said or B. Ask why on Earth I would want goats. Obviously these people haven't seen this picture
or just don’t have hearts.
So here’s the plan. Down the very long lovely road we will buy a lot of land, build our dream home and then slowly develop my farm. Goats first of course.
You’re probably thinking, how am I going to take care of a farm one day… Well, that’s what kids are for right? No, just kidding, I’m going to hire a goat boy.. DUH!
My goats will be cute, smart and they will dance. Just like this Dancing Goat
They will not jump on our cars or eat my clothes because I will train them not to. They can be trained you know. I will train mine, well I will or my goat boy will.
Everything I need to know is right in this book.
Obviously I have not read this book yet because I have no idea what I’m talking about. All I know is that I want some goats because they are sooooo cute and lovely. If they make me some money with their milk, well that works too. ; )
Cindy’s lovely complete farm:
a handful of pygmy goats
1 or 2 micro pigs
a horse
maybe a couple prairie dogs…i wish
If I haven’t convinced you on how lovely goats are yet.. then watch this or THIS ONE
Stick around folks. One day you came come visit my farm, pet my goats and see what a lovely little farm I have created.
You might enjoy this link, Little Goat Girl. lol
or this: http://goatmilkstuff.com/Bar-Soaps/
Go Cindy! You make your dreams come true and have yourself a goat farm. About a year ago we spotted something in our yard and it was a goat! It was so cute...he even had a red collar on. We brought him in the house and it was so funny to watch him run around and he loved being petted. We went looking for the owners but couldn't find any people with goats. We don't have a fence so Brain to him to his Grandpa's farm which has lots of goats. He sure was a cutie!
I wish I had a place for horses so I could take the grandkids out for rides.
Dream your dreams....dreams may change but never give up on yours!
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