
Tuesday, December 17, 2013

16 Week Bumpdate!

       16 Week Bump Check
December 17,14

how far along:  16 weeks

size of baby:  according to the bump an avocado, about 4.6 inches long and weighing 3.5 ounces.  Baby can now hear my voice, is growing hair, lashes and eyebrows and is forming taste buds.

maternity clothes:  Yes, I started wearing maternity pants around 12 weeks although I still fit into my regular jeans they are sooo much more comfortable on my growing uterus.  

weight gain:  0 pounds.  I got the flu a couple weeks ago and actually lost about 4 pounds but I gained that back and now am at my normal weight. 

symptoms:  Feeling a lot better! Around 13 weeks my nausea went away, so that was amazing. I get a little dizzy if I stand up too quickly, but I had that last time as well.  I broke out around 13 weeks, but that went away, so that is good news. Other than that.. I’m feeling pretty darn good and actually forget that I’m pregnant quite often. 

looking forward to:  Seeing the baby again! 

exercise: I just started Tracy Andersons pregnancy videos and I love them. I’m avoided running and all that jazz this time around, but I’ll be anxious to get back to that after this little sweet pea arrives.  

cravings/aversions: Now that the nausea is gone I’m not AS picky, but the pickiness is definitly still there, still not a fan of eggs, but I think I’m going to force myself to eat them soon. Of course I crave all the unhealthy things like bagels and pretzels and all the lovely carbs. Oh and of course cookies, but hey it’s the holidays. ; ) Going to give them up after the new year though, need to start eating better for this little, gal, guy.  

movement:  Starting to feel little tiny jabs here and there!  

sleep:  Good, I’m starting to feel a little nauseous if I lay on my back, which I know I’m going to have to stop doing anyway. My uterus doesn’t look that heavy, but I guess it is! LOL

gender: Jake thinks girl, I think boy, dad thinks boy, mom thinks girl, Sister thinks boy, Jane thinks boy, Nikki E, thinks girl, and those are the guesses I can remember. lol

worries:  Trying not to worry about anything, it’s all in Gods hands. 

what's different this time:  So far a very similar pregnancy, I guess the only difference is I keep forgetting I’m pregnant because I’m a lot busier.  

milestones: In our second trimester! 

best moment this week: Starting to feel the baby!!

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