
Friday, December 13, 2013

Finding out, AGAIN!

 October 4, 2013

Today I found out that I was going to be a Mother of two. What a wonderful, exciting and a little ( probably not as much as I should be) nerve-wrecking feeling. This time finding out was a little different than the last. Last time it was more of a surprise.  Jake and I were more like, well if it happens it happens, kind of thing and It happened quick and we didn't expect that at all! This time we couldn’t wait for another baby and in September decided to actually “try” for number two. Last time I took the test I was already 5 or so weeks pregnant and the test was positive right away. This time, I was miss impatient and took a couple test way too early. The first two were negative and even though I knew it was early there was a little disappointment. I felt pretty silly being disappointed considering we JUST started trying. Well, I took the 3rd test on October 4, (about 5 weeks pregnant) and it was positive!!! I had just waken up from a dream that I took a test and it said positive so of course I had to take one and see what would happen. It was about 4 in the morning and I was half asleep, but curiosity got the best of me. The test read positive right away and I couldn’t believe my eyes. I had convinced myself that it wasn’t happening this time and that there was always next month! I was sooooo excited my hands were shaking. I wanted to wake Jake up and tell him right away, but I wanted to do something cute, so I decided to wait.  I had ordered a shirt off Etsy a couple weeks prior that said "only child" with an x through it with "Big Sister" written underneath and was going to put it on Lola and show Jake as soon as we got pregnant. I know, I was a little too excited.  Well, it hadn’t come yet, so I decided to make my own! I went and got one of Lola's plain white onesies and designed the lovely message myself. Yes, it was early, but I had so much adrenaline running through me there was no way I could go back to sleep.  So I decided to make Jake pancakes and bring Lola out in her lovely homemade shirt while he was eating. I video taped it with my phone, it’s pretty cute. I handed Lola to Jake and it took him only a second to realize what her shirt said and he said "What?! Are you pregnant?!” tears starting to form and I said “Yes” =) and then there were tears and hugs and a whole bunch of happiness. Since it was about 6 am I put Lola back to bed and we went on with our day, with happy & thankful hearts. 

I hope you know how excited we are for your arrival Sweet Pea, 
You are a dream come true. 
Mommy and Daddy love you SO MUCH!

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