18 Week Bump Check
December 31, 2013
December 31, 2013
how far along: 18 weeks
size of baby: according to the bump a sweet potato, about 5.6 inches long and weighing 6.7 ounces. Baby is starting to move all over the place, rolling, twisting, kicking, punching, yawning and swallowing.
maternity clothes: Yes, wearing my smaller maternity jeans, my favorite maternity leggings and a couple maternity shirts quite often. Makes me feel more comfortable than squeezing into my normal clothes.
weight gain: 5 pounds. One pound than I gained at 18 weeks with Lola, but I started out 2 pounds less, so I guess I’m okay with that. ; )
symptoms: Feeling good! Starting to get bigger and bigger!
looking forward to: Our ultra sound in a couple weeks!
exercise: Still doing The Pregnancy Project, but not as much as I would like to. Hopefully I kick my butt in gear soon!
cravings/aversions: Well, still not eating as well as I would like to. Hopefully the the second half of my pregnancy I will be a lot more motivated to, especially since it’s the New Year!
movement: Starting to feel little kicks and jabs!! So excited, it never gets old!
sleep: I still can do that half on belly, half on side position, but that probably won’t last long. It’s the most comfortable for me though. Definitely can’t lay on my back anymore without feeling sick.
gender: Either a girl or boy! ; )
worries: Trying not to worry about anything, it’s all in Gods hands.
what's different this time: Still very similar! This is the week I had my first pass out last time, and luckily no signs of that. Knock on wood!
milestones: Umm… Making it 18 weeks without any pass outs sounds pretty good to me!
best moment this week: Celebrating New Years with great friends!